Conference, symposiumThought
Published on Friday, May 24, 2019
From an interdisciplinary perspective including neuroscience, medicine, the humanities and art, the meeting aims at (1) advancing and disseminating scientific knowledge on how specific sleep processes aid memory consolidation (2) inspiring science and arts to adopt new approaches to the importance of sleep and dreams (3) benefiting society by promoting awareness for good sleep habits and their effect on cognitive well-being.
From an interdisciplinary perspective including neuroscience, medicine, the humanities and art, the meeting aims at (1) advancing and disseminating scientific knowledge on how specific sleep processes aid memory consolidation (2) inspiring science and arts to adopt new approaches to the importance of sleep and dreams (3) benefiting society by promoting awareness for good sleep habits and their effect on cognitive well-being.
Conference organized by Itzhak Fried (UCLA / Tel-Aviv University) as part of the Paris IAS Brain, Culture & Society Program
Thursday, June 6th
08:30 Welcome
- 09:00 Introduction and welcome Gretty Mirdal (Paris IAS)
- 09:15 Memory and Sleep- New challenges Itzhak Fried (UCLA/Tel-Aviv University)
Cognition during Sleep
- 09:30 How much thinking is going on in the sleeping brain? Sid Kouider (CNRS-ENS)
- 10:00 Neuronal information processing during sleep Yuval Nir (Tel-Aviv University)
- 10:30 Discussion
- 11:00 Break
Enhancement and Inception (Part I: Rodents)
- 11:30 Modulation of memory during sleep Michael Zugaro (CNRS-Collège de France)
- 12:00 Changing the mind of mice : Inception of memories during sleep Marie Lacroix (ESPCI Paris Tech - Cog’X SAS)
- 12:30 Discussion
13 :00 Lunch Break
Enhancement and Inception (Part II: Humans)
- 14:30 Learning when our brains are off-line Delphine Oudiette (ICM)
- 15:00 Enhancing human memory- From single neurons to clinical translation Itzhak Fried (UCLA/TAU)
- 15:30 Discussion
16:00 Break
Dreaming (Part I)
- 16:15 The relation of dreaming to memory consolidation during sleep Mark Blagrove (Swansea University)
- 16:45 Dream appreciation and revisiting dreams by artwork, Mark Blagrove, Julia Lockheart (Swansea University)
- 17:30 Discussion
Friday, June 7th
08:45 Welcome
Dreaming (Part II)
- 09:00 The dreaming brain Francesca Siclari (UNIL-CHUV)
- 09:30 Discussion: Neural intersections of dreams, memory and consciousness
In Search of Lost Sleep
- 10:00 Genius, Memory and Sleep : the Cases of M. Proust and F. Kafka Antonio Perciaccante (Goriza Hospital)
- 10:30 Break
- 10:45 Insomnia and Emotional Memory Eus Van Someren (Netherland Institute for Neuroscience)
- 11:15 Sleep quality, Cognition and Aging Geraldine Rauchs (Inserm-Caen University)
- 11:45 Neuronal lapses during sleep deprivation Itzhak Fried, Yuval Nir (UCLA, TAU)
- 12:15 Discussion
- 12:45 Summary and adjourn
Free registration required:
- Thought (Main category)
- Society > Sociology
- Society > Science studies
- Mind and language > Thought > Cognitive science
- Periods > Modern
- IEA de Paris - Hôtel de Lauzun - 17 quai d'Anjou
Paris, France (75004)
- Thursday, June 06, 2019
- Friday, June 07, 2019
- cerveau, culture, société, sommeil, rêve, cognition, neurosciences, médecine, art, mémoire, brain, society, dream, neuroscience, medecine, humanities, memory
- IEA de Paris Information
courriel : information [at] paris-iea [dot] fr
Reference Urls
Information source
- Élodie Saubatte
courriel : elodie [dot] saubatte [at] paris-iea [dot] fr
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To cite this announcement
« Sleep and memory », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Friday, May 24, 2019,