HomeSemiotics in Algerian Academia

HomeSemiotics in Algerian Academia

Semiotics in Algerian Academia

Sémiotique à l’université algérienne

State of the Art and Prospects

État des lieux et perspectives

*  *  *

Published on Monday, August 05, 2019


Semiotics is a well-established discipline in European academia. However, it is a relatively new one in Algerian universities. Since the 1980s, semiotics has not ceased searching for its institutional place, especially in the fields of arts, languages, and communication sciences; and this has been undertaken within diverse areas of studies and diverse multilingual vistas. This scientific legacy that has been accumulated for nearly three decades deserves to undergo a retrospective synthesis and reappraisal. This will enable review the great articulations traced by semiotics in different research areas (literature, linguistics, communication, architecture, etc.). The upcoming colloquium will thus attempt to sketch an historical overview of semiotics in Algerian academia, from introductory courseson theory and methodology in undergraduate curricula, to more specialized and in-depth courses on the theoretical and epistemological foundations in graduate and postgraduate levels. It also intends to outline an overview of the somehow vivid scientific activity that has led to diverse and rich scientific production.


April, 12-13, 2020


Semiotics is a well-established discipline in European academia. However, it is a relatively new one in Algerian universities. Since the 1980s, semiotics has not ceased searching for its institutional place, especially in the fields of arts, languages, and communication sciences; and this has been undertaken within diverse areas of studies and diverse multilingual vistas.

This scientific legacy that has been accumulated for nearly three decades deserves to undergo a retrospective synthesis and reappraisal. This will enable review the great articulations traced by semiotics in different research areas (literature, linguistics, communication, architecture, etc.)

The upcoming colloquium will thus attempt to sketch an historical overview of semiotics in Algerian academia, from introductory courseson theory and methodology in undergraduate curricula, to more specialized and in-depth courses on the theoretical and epistemological foundations in graduate and postgraduate levels. It also intends to outline an overview of the somehow vivid scientific activity that has led to diverse and rich scientific production. Hence, an appraisal of this scientific production is an academic necessity. The colloquium will attempt to inventory and review the different training and research activities closely related to semiotics in the Arabic, French, and English languages such as master’s theses  and doctoral dissertations, seminars and colloquiums , journals and publications…

The objective of the upcoming colloquium is to update the scope of semiotics in its Algerian academic foothold, whether it be  regarding theory, in order to identify the way fundamental semiotic has been assimilated by academic research, or practice, in order to provide an exhaustive analysis of its methods on any discursive construction of meaning. 

Original and unpublished papers related to theoretical or applied research in semiotics are welcome. The paper should not exceed 20 pages. 

Abstracts of about 200 words, Times New Roman 12 have to be emailed to

To contact: 0799549462

Important Dates

  • December, 15, 2019: abstracts deadlines

  • February, 29, 2020: acceptation notifications
  • April, 12-13, 2020: dates of the colloquium

Scientific Committee

Honorary President of the Colloquium :

BOUTARFAIA Ahmed (Rector of  the university)

President of the Colloquium: KETHIRI Brahim (Dean of the faculty )

Chair: FEMMAM Chafika

  • BETOUCHE Aini (University MouloudMammeri, Tiziouzou)
  • KADIK Djamel (University Yahya Fares, Medea)
  • BENAZOUZ Nadjiba (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • MOUSTIRI Zineb (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • BEDJAOUI Nabila (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • OUAHMICHE Ghania (University Mohamed ben Ahmed, Oran 2)
  • BEGHOUL Youcef (University Brothers Mentouri, Constantine 1)
  • HOUADJLI Ahmed Chaouki (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • MEDDOUR Mostefa (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • KERBOUA Salim (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • BENMALEK Rachid (University BoubakrBelkaid, Tlemcen) 
  • BOURAIOU Abdel Hamid (University, Alger 2)
  • TAOURIRIT Bachir, (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • MEDDAS Ahmed (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)
  • DJERIOUI Assia (University Mohamed Khider, Biskra)

Organizing Committee

Chair: GRID Khaled

  • GHEMRI Khadidja
  • BENZID Aziza
  • BELAID Mahieddine Islam
  • BENSALAH Sabrine
  • ASSASSI Tarek
  • MEREGHMI Kenza
  • BENADEREZAK Abdernacer


  • Sunday, December 15, 2019


  • sémiotique, université, recherche, académique, Algérie


  • Nacer Eddine Benghenissa
    courriel : benghenissan [at] gmail [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Nacer Eddine Benghenissa
    courriel : benghenissan [at] gmail [dot] com


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« Semiotics in Algerian Academia », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Monday, August 05, 2019,

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