Published on Thursday, September 26, 2019
It has traditionally been argued that with the rise of the modern nation state, borders increasingly became lines demarcating the spatial limits of state power. Recent efforts have been made to re-examine this territorial argument and pay close attention to the social, cultural, political, economic, and religious networks that created, reinforced, and also traversed borderlands. Though war, conquest, and diplomacy repeatedly redrew the dividing lines between empires and kingdoms, extensive interactions and exchanges left the borderlands with deeply entangled roots and routes. These patterns, mechanisms, and forces had a deep impact on all aspects of life and are still felt today. Arguably, no single element has been more dominant in shaping this complex relationship than the regional historiographies and historical memories that tried to write the empires out of their pasts entirely.
Abstract of the Conference
The conference is part of the COST-Action “Islamic Legacy: East, West, North South of the Mediterranean (1350- 1750)
It has traditionally been argued that with the rise of the modern nation state, borders increasingly became lines demarcating the spatial limits of state power. Recent efforts have been made to re-examine this territorial argument and pay close attention to the social, cultural, political, economic, and religious networks that created, reinforced, and also traversed borderlands. Though war, conquest, and diplomacy repeatedly redrew the dividing lines between empires and kingdoms, extensive interactions and exchanges left the borderlands with deeply entangled roots and routes. These patterns, mechanisms, and forces had a deep impact on all aspects of life and are still felt today. Arguably, no single element has been more dominant in shaping this complex relationship than the regional historiographies and historical memories that tried to write the empires out of their pasts entirely.
This conference aims to bring together an international group of scholars studying visible and invisible borders between Christians and Muslims in the early modern world in order to put distinct historiographical traditions into conversation with each other. It seeks to probe the overlaps, opportunities, and limitations of a comparative approach to borders and use the juxtaposition of thematically and temporally overlapping but spatially divergent case studies to raise questions of methodology, definitions, and future directions for research.
The proposals are encouraged to approach the study of borders, frontiers, and boundaries from a multidisciplinary perspective and present original research on a case study or series of case studies that engage with any of the following questions:
- What makes a border unique? What makes it archetypical?
- How do different historiographical traditions define and engage with borders between Christians and Muslims?
- How were borders viewed in relation to the ‘other’ in different historical polities? How were borders invented, marked, reinvented, crossed, and eventually dismantled?
- What are the different epistemological moves historians need to consider when examining how people (or objects) cross borders versus how borders cross people (or objects)?
- How did Muslim and Christian perspectives on borderlands converge? How did they differ? Were there specific patterns and shared historical experiences for territories which both sides claimed for themselves? What was the interplay between the imperial centers and local stakeholders in borderlands territories when it came to dealing with powers on the other side of the border?
- What can we learn from different sources (including but not limited to legal, administrative, military, diplomatic, literary, artistic, musical and culinary sources) on this issue in different territories?
- Can we find common patterns, themes, or questions relating to borders between Christians and Muslims across the early modern world?
Dates and place
Dates: 10-11 January 2020.
Place: Central European University, Budapest (Hungary)
Scientific coordinators
- Robyn Dora RADWAY (,
- Gábor KÁRMÁN (
- Ferenc TÓTH (
Deadline and details
Researchers interested to participate in the conference are invited to submit their proposals with a title, an abstract (no more than 300 words) and a brief bio (maximum of 10 lines) to Dr. Robyn Dora RADWAY (, and Dr. Gábor KÁRMÁN (
before 22nd of October 2019.
For more information please see the attached PDF or visit the link:
- Middle Ages (Main category)
- Society > History > Economic history
- Zones and regions > Africa
- Zones and regions > Asia
- Zones and regions > Europe
- Society > Geography
- Society > History
- Society > Political studies
- Central European University Nador u. 9
Budapest, Hungary (1051)
- Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Attached files
- border, christian, muslim
- Ferenc TÓTH
courriel : toth [dot] ferenc [at] btk [dot] mta [dot] hu - Robyn Dora RADWAY
courriel : radwayr [at] ceu [dot] edu - Gábor KÁRMÁN
courriel : karman [dot] gabor [at] btk [dot] mta [dot] hu
Reference Urls
Information source
- Inês Coutinho
courriel : info [at] is-le [dot] eu
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Visible and invisible borders between Christians and Muslims in the Early Modern World », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, September 26, 2019,