HomeArts and cultural institutions: reflections on whiteness and racism
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Published on Thursday, September 26, 2019


The journal PerCursos - Faed / Udesc will receive for analysis articles, reviews, interviews and translations of unpublished articles in Portuguese related to the theme of the dossier “Arts and cultural institutions: reflections on whiteness and racism”.



The journal PerCursos - Faed / Udesc will receive for analysis, until 10/07/2019, articles, reviews, interviews and translations of unpublished articles in Portuguese related to the theme of the dossier “Arts and cultural institutions: reflections on whiteness and racism”.

The cultural institutions, especially museums, are marked in their organization by patrimonial reason, acting in the service of the colonizing process. During the modernity, they instrumentalized criteria and cultural values that invented the Others: savages, exotic, without a history, without the ability to produce memories, primitive, among other ethnocentric adjectives. Thus, we understand that this dossier intends to bring together a set of analyzes and reflections about cultural institutions, both regarding the assembly of their collections and programs and the construction of the relationship with their audiences, from a decolonial perspective.

Considering the diaspora of knowledge, artists and works of art as part of the Eurocentric bias civilizing project. We understand that it’s needed to develop a critical look at cultural institutions based on the notions of whiteness and racism. Theaters, cinemas, museums, cultural centers, and concert halls are places in the art worlds that are structured around white conventions and codes, excluding and disqualifying blacks, indigenous people and gypsies. We wish to welcome narratives that help us understand how cultural institutions and artists have represented ideas of whiteness and acted through racist practices over time.


This dossier will integrate the third edition of 2019 and will be organized by the professors

  • Carolina Ruoso (Federal University of Minas Gerais),
  • Joana D'Arc de Sousa Lima (University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony)
  • Marcele Regina Nogueira Pereira (Federal University of Rondônia).

Submission guidelines

The rules for submission are available on the journal's website.

Deadline: 10/07/2019


  • Monday, October 07, 2019


  • museum, heritage, whiteness, racism


  • Carolina Ruoso
    courriel : carol [at] ruoso [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Ruoso Carolina
    courriel : carol [at] ruoso [dot] com


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To cite this announcement

« Arts and cultural institutions: reflections on whiteness and racism », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, September 26, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/13gq

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