Home#MariellePresente - Transnational Resistances

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#MariellePresente - Transnational Resistances

#MariellePresente - Resistencias transnacionales

#MariellePresente - Résistances transnationales

#MariellePresente - Resistências Transnacionais

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Published on Monday, October 14, 2019


The Gender and Diversity Journal, a feminist and queer review from the northeastern region of Brazil, invites everyone to submit articles, essays, interviews, field journals, reports and other texts for the special issue entitled "#MariellePresente: Transnational Resistances". The texts must describe and analyze the transnational responses following the assassination of the Brazilian Marielle Franco. She was a black woman from the favela, political activist, feminist and lesbian. She was murdered at the corner of a street in Rio de Janeiro in March 2018. Given the political nature of her assassination, many actions denouncing the crime were organized around the world.



The Gender and Diversity Journal, a feminist and queer review from the northeastern region of Brazil, invites everyone to submit articles, essays, interviews, field journals, reports and other texts for the special issue entitled "#MariellePresente: Transnational Resistances". The texts must describe and analyze the transnational responses following the assassination of the Brazilian Marielle Franco. She was a black woman from the favela, political activist, feminist and lesbian. She was murdered at the corner of a street in Rio de Janeiro in March 2018. Given the political nature of her assassination, many actions denouncing the crime were organized around the world. Political actions such as street demonstrations, public hearings, works of art and video, lectures at universities, including a public garden that was inaugurated in her memory in Paris, France. Her assassination is understood as a loss for her family and friends, but also for all of us who believe in a world of social justice. This situation can thus be understood as a tragic change in the struggle for a democratic and just society in Brazil. Since 2016, Brazil has seen the consolidation of a project of injustice and dismantling of everything that Marielle Franco believed. We therefore seek to find in this special issue the strength of her memory and build together, from the understanding of the transnational nature of this struggle, alternatives to meet the challenges of the present.

The texts will be accepted in various styles, between 5 to 20 pages, academic and activist, descriptive and analytical. In addition, we accept texts in the following languages: Portuguese, French, Spanish and English. The texts can be submitted on the online system of the journal

until 31 December 2019

via the link https://portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/cadgendiv.

The texts will be evaluated by a team involved in activities organized in different regions of the world and the publication of this special issue is scheduled for July 2020. Help us by broadcasting this call for contributions in your various networks.


  • Felipe Bruno Martins Fernandes (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brésil)
  • Stéphanie Palancade (Fiertés Occitanie, France)


  • Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - Universidade Federal da Bahia
    Salvador, Brazil (44360-000)


  • Tuesday, December 31, 2019


  • Marielle Franco, memória, política


  • felipe bruno martins fernandes
    courriel : fernandes [dot] felipebruno [at] gmail [dot] com

Information source

  • felipe bruno martins fernandes
    courriel : fernandes [dot] felipebruno [at] gmail [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« #MariellePresente - Transnational Resistances », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, October 14, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/13kl

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