HomeVisual culture in the classical world

HomeVisual culture in the classical world

Visual culture in the classical world

8th international postgraduate conference Pecla 2019

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Published on Wednesday, October 09, 2019


PeClA 2019 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students traditionally offering a space for presenting research results, discussion, and an exchange of ideas, in a friendly and supportive environment. This year, we focus on the roots of the Classical Archaeology, and for this reason the main theme of the conference is Visual Culture in the Classical World.


Monday and Tuesday, 16 – 17th December 2019


PeClA 2019 is a two‐day conference in Classical Archaeology and Classics aimed at postgraduate / doctoral students traditionally offering a space for presenting research results, discussion, and an exchange of ideas, in a friendly and supportive environment. This year's theme of the conference is: visual culture in the classical world

The study of classical artworks marks the beginning of the scientific discipline of Classical Archaeology and is inextricably linked to the person of Johann Joachim Winckelmann. He promoted the material remains – and their visual aspect in particular – as being invaluable for the interpretation of ancient cultures alongside the written sources. Accordingly, the classical research developed a broad range of analytical methods to address this topic in the past, from the ‘positivistic’ classification of the Roman portraits to the ‘structuralist’ contextualisation of the Attic vase images. However, these studies started gradually giving way to the more anthropological, social and natural science approaches since the late 1970s. It was only in the last decade that the interest in visual aspect of the material remains arouse again under the new categories of image science (Bildwissenschaften) and visual culture studies. Therefore, the primary aim of the conference will be to address all the possible facets of the visual culture of the ancient world, from the Bronze Age to the Late Antiquity.

While the commonly used means of iconography, iconology and reception are welcomed, we would like to explore whether and how the contemporary approaches to the visual culture – the natural sciences inclusive – can contribute to the study of ancient societies; we seek to discuss the semantic level of the use of specific themes in distinct contexts, the variations in the depiction schemes and their evolvement depending on external influences (i.e. the medium as well as cultural influences), the social meaning of decorative principles or the interrelation between the visual aspects and the room/space use within an urban area. These and further questions should allow us to understand the visual culture as an inherent part of the ancient world relating to its functional, chronological and social context.

Conceived broadly, this theme gives young scholars the full opportunity to present and discuss their opinions and thoughts applicable to the theme. Papers from postgraduates in all stages of their research, both theoretical and practical are welcome.

Keynote lectures

  • Prof. Dr. François Lissarrague, ANHIMA (Anthropologie et Histoire des Mondes Antiques). École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
  • Dr. Polly Lohmann, Institut für Klassische Archäologie. Ruprecht‐Karls‐Universität Heidelberg

Submission Guideline

More detailed abstracts (in English) of 500 words specifying methodology and the main results for a 20‐ minute paper or a poster (portrait, paper size 70x100 cm) are expected befor:

October 1st, 2019

by email at: PeCla.conference@ff.cuni.cz.

Should you have any further enquiries, please use the same e‐ mail address before the deadline. Applicants will be notified by the beginning of November.

Conference fee: EUR 20 (covers printed materials, refreshment during the conference breaks, etc.; payable during registration or by bank transfer). More info in the second circular.

Conference language

English (preferably), German, French, Italian

The organisers

  • Jana Staničová
  • Zuzana Jamrichová 
  • Josef Souček
  • Peter Pavúk 
  • Marek Verčík


  • Prague, Czechia


  • Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Attached files

Information source

  • Zuzana Jamrichova
    courriel : PeCla [dot] conference [at] ff [dot] cuni [dot] cz


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To cite this announcement

« Visual culture in the classical world », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, October 09, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/13ln

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