HomeMinority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces

HomeMinority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces

Minority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces

Langues minoritaires vocales ou signées et espaces inclusifs

Lenguas vocales o de señas minoritarias y espacios inclusivos

Звучащие или жестовые языки меньшинств и пространства инклюзии

*  *  *

Published on Thursday, October 24, 2019


The objective of this international conference is to question the way social “inclusive” spaces (schools, universities, cultural centers, public services…) take into consideration minor languages (or not). It aims at fostering original and innovative initiatives in their psychological, social, glottopolitical, anthropological, linguistic, pedagogical, didactical and digital dimensions, and discussing those topics.


Argument of the international conference

An inclusive society cannot exclusively define its members as those who can physically access collective spaces of work, leisure and common cultural heritage. Beyond openness to differences and the measures taken to prevent discrimination, which determine accessibility as a constituent of human rights, the concrete question of the roles played by linguistic systems as paths to the appropriation of knowledge arises. This knowledge enables to build the meaning of those spaces as well as the social and personal identity of the users.

Languages, as an inter-individual and inter-group communicational tool, are indeed a real “mycelium” ensuring cohesion between individuals, but also help accomplish collective and personal fulfilment.

Since the 80s, UNESCO has considered language diversity as an essential component of humankind’s cultural diversity. As such, it has stressed the importance of assigning a "significant role to minority languages, according to the necessities of contemporary life, at local as well as national and international level".About forty years later, it is important to ask ourselves how the promotion of this diversity, especially conveyed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, is compatible and coherent with the design and implementation of an inclusive society.In this context, observing linguistic media -through which the contents of information or knowledge is prioritized and conveyed in social spaces- and analyzing the institutional and identity issues attached to this construct is paramount. It makes it possible to initiate dialogue between the linguistic needs of indigenous peoples, regional language speakers and people with disabilities in order to identify obstacles to the establishment of an inclusive society, activating often underestimated leverage.This perspective compels to study the contributions and the limits of languages, whatever their spoken, gestural or written form, regarding the construction of a societal ideal of inclusion.The objective of this international conference is to question the way social “inclusive” spaces (schools, universities, cultural centers, public services…) take into consideration minor languages (or not). It aims at fostering original and innovative initiatives in their psychological, social, glottopolitical, anthropological, linguistic, pedagogical, didactical and digital dimensions, and discussing those topics.The discussions will be based on potential leverage tools, but also the difficulties resulting from internal and external forces of various kinds (socioeconomic, political, digital…) exerted on these minority languages. They also interrogate the repercussions on their speakers within these spaces.

Researchers are invited to follow one of the two main thematic lines:

Topic 1 : Praxeology : social intervention, work, health, education,…

  • Transmission and preservation of the linguistic heritage of minority languages (spoken or signed)
  • Translangaging (bringing everyone's language skills to life)
  • Artificial intelligence for minority languages (spoken or signed)
  • Linguistic diversity including minority languages (spoken or signed): life stories and practices
  • Approaches, materials and tools for minority languages (spoken or signed)

Topic 2 : Paradigms, analysis of professional, institutional or media representations and discourses

  • Minority languages (spoken or signed): Conflicting paradigms
  • Analysis and genealogy of debate on minority languages (spoken or signed)
  • Linguistic law and policy for minority languages (spokenspoken or signed)

The topics listed here are not exhaustive and any multidisciplinary presentation proposal will be welcome.

Argument in International Sign Language (ISL)

Types of contributions

Presentations will be welcome in English, Spanish, French, French Sign language, International Sign Language, Russian. As far as possible, interpretation into one of these languages can be provided. Please note that you can also present your work in another language. In this case, you must be accompanied by a professional interpreter, who will interpret your talk into English, French, Spanish, Russian, French Sign language or International Sign Language.You will have at your disposal a computer and a video projector for your oral presentation. Please note that internet access will be available but the quality of the connection cannot be guaranteed.

Attending in person. Oral presentation

Each presentation will last 15 minutes and will be followed by 5 minutes of questions. It will be presented in parallel thematic sessions.

Attending in person. Poster presentation

Your poster will be exhibited during the conference poster session. Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display the results and conclusions of their papers.

Abstracts submission

  • Abstracts should only be submitted online.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2019.

  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English, in French, in French Sign Language or International Sign Language.
  • Abstracts should be based on any of the topic areas listed in the section topics.
  • The full title of your abstract must not exceed 150 characters (including spaces). The titles offered in French sign language or international sign language must not exceed 20 seconds (authorized formats: AVI, mp4 or mov).
  • Abstracts should not exceed 6000 space characters with 5 bibliographic references included according to the APA standard. Abstracts submitted in French Sign Language or International Sign Language must not exceed 4 min (video less than 100 MB. Authorized formats: AVI, mp4 or mov).
  • Abbreviations should be defined the first time they appear in your text. Example: HEA (Higher Education Area), before being used as an abbreviation only. Please, do not define or use abbreviations in the title.
  • Authors should indicate their presentation preference: oral, poster. The Organising Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.
  • The notification of acceptance/rejection of the abstracts submitted will be sent to you via email by January 6, 2020. Please ensure that the email address is regularly monitored and remember to check the spam folder.
  • If you encounter any problems during the submission process or you do not receive any confirmation by email please contact the Conference Secretariat: minlangconf@inshea.fr

Important dates

  • January 15, 2019: Abstract submission deadline for Orals and Posters

  • February 20, 2020: Notifications of acceptance
  • 25-26-27 May 2020: Conference

Scientific committee (in alphabetical order)

  • Serge Yannick Allou Allou, Département des Sciences du Langage, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire.
  • Dominique Archambault, CHArt/THIM, Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis - UPL, France ;
  • Mélissa Arneton, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Hervé Benoit, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Andrea Benvenuto, CEMS/PHS, EHESS, France ;
  • Marion Blondel, SFL, CNRS-Paris8, France ;
  • Caroline Bogliotti, MoDyCo, Université Paris Nanterre - UPL, France ;
  • Dominique Boutet, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage In Situ, Université de Rouen, France ;
  • Annelies Braffort, LIMSI, CNRS – Université Paris Saclay, France ;
  • Karine Buard, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Svetlana Burkova, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia
  • Clémentine Caron, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Serafín M. Coronel-Molin, Culture and Language Education, School of Education, Indiana University, USA;
  • Pierre Deleage, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, CNRS – EHESS, France ;
  • José Dobrzalowski, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Maude Elfort, CRPLC, Université des Antilles et de la Guyane, France ;
  • M.M.Jocelyne Fernandez-Vest, Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale (LaCiTO), CNRS – Université Paris 3 - Sorbonne Nouvelle, France ;
  • Michael Filhol,LIMSI, CNRS – Université Paris Saclay, France ;
  • Yaseneva Polyana, Resource Centre ( Академия «Со-единение), DeafSkills, Public Council for the Education of Disabled and Disabled Persons under the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Russia ;
  • Thierry Gaillat, ICARE - EA 7389, Université de la Réunion, France ;
  • Brigitte Garcia, UMR 7023 SFL, Université Paris 8 - UPL et CNRS, France ;
  • Veronique Geffroy, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL, France
  • Albane Geslin, UMR DICE – CERIC, Sciences Po Aix, France ;
  • Anastasia Gkaintartzi, School of Education, Department of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece;
  • Barbara Glowczewski, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale (Médaille d'argent du CNRS en 2018), France ;
  • Stephanie Gobet Jacob, LETTRES- EA- 3816 – FoReLLIS, Université de Poitiers, France ;
  • Delphine Gomot, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Victor Guset, CUREJ - Université de Rouen, France
  • Christina Hedman, Department of Language Education, Stockholm University, Sweden;
  • Christine Hélot, ESPE Alsace, Université de Strasbourg, France ;
  • Isabelle Hidair-Krivsky, Directrice de l'EA 7485, Université de Guyane, France ;
  • Jeannine Ho-A-Sim, Espe de l'Université de Guyane, Université de Guyane, France ;
  • Sabine Inga, UR 7485 MINEA, Université de Guyane, France ;
  • Lysbeth Jongbloed-Faber, Frisian language varieties on social media, Fryske Akademy & Maastricht University, Netherlands;
  • Te Taka Keegan, Pūkenga Matua, University of Waikato, New Zealand ;
  • Alina Khokhlova, the Resource Centre Supporting Deafblind People and Their Families, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Psychologist, Russia ;
  • Ann-Birte Krüger, ESPE de l'Académie de Besançon, Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, France ;
  • Florence Labrell, unité Inserm U1178 CESP, INNHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Nathalie Lewi-Dumont, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Silvia Macedo, Espe de l'Université de Guyane, France ;
  • Karine Martel, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL ;
  • Myriame Martineau, CRIEC, RéQEF, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Canada ;
  • Murielle Mauguin, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Hélène Maynard, LIMSI, Université Paris Sud - Université Paris Saclay, France ;
  • Maartje De Meulder, University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, the Netherlands ;
  • Marie Mercat-Bruns, laboratoire interdisciplinaire pour la sociologie économique (Lise), CNAM, France ;
  • Olivier Meunier, RECIFES EA 4520, Université d’Artois, France ;
  • Rozenn Milin, Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique (CRBC) - EA 4451, Université Rennes 2, France
  • Joseph Murray, Department of American Sign Language and Deaf Studies, Gallaudet University, USA ;
  • Cédric Moreau, Grhapes EA 7287, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Aliyah Morgenstern, PRISMES - Langues, Textes, Arts et Cultures du Monde Anglophone - EA 4398, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle–Paris 3 – USPC, France ;
  • Soya Mori, Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, Institute of Developping Economies Japan External trade Organization, Japan;
  • Anna Mouti, Centre of Foreign Languages, University of Thessaly, Greece;
  • Arnfinn Muruvik Vonen, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway;
  • Line Numa-Bocage, Espe de l'Université de Cergy Pontoise, France ;
  • BethAnne Paulsrud, École des sciences humaines et des médias, section linguistique, Université Dalarn, Sweden;
  • Jerry G. Petroff, School of Education in the Department of Special Education, College of New Jersey (TCNJ), USA ;
  • Katia Pothin, INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Alekseї Prikhodko, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia;
  • Ludmila Alekseevna Osmuk, ISTR, Université Technique de Novosibirsk, Russia;
  • Dominique Tiana Razafindratsimba, Centre de recherche et d'étude sur les constructions identitaires, Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar ;
  • Kirsten Rosiers, Vakgroep Vertalen, Tolken en Communicatie, Université de Gent, Belgique ;
  • Marie Salaün, CANTHEL, Université Paris Descartes, France ;
  • Marie-Anne Sallandre, SFL Université Paris 8 – UPL, France ;
  • Boglárka Straszer, School of Languages and Media Studies, Dalarna University, Sweden;
  • Angoua Tano, département des Sciences de Langage, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (Abidjan), Côte d’Ivoire ;
  • Anne Vanbrugghe, SFL Université Paris 8 - INSHEA – UPL, France ;
  • Åsa Wedin, School of Languages and Media Studies, Dalarna University, Sweden ;
  • Cédric Yvinec, Mondes Américains, CNRS-EHESS, France ;
  • Andréa Young, GEPE, LiLPa EA1339, Université de Strasbourg, France ;
  • Yvan Leanza, Laboratoire Psychologie et Cultures, Université Laval, Québec, Canada



  • Paris, France (75)


  • Wednesday, January 15, 2020


  • minority, spoken language, sign language, LSF, ISL, inclusive society, education, conference, language, sign language, inclusion, ocelles, call for papers, space, school, university, culture, service public, artificial intelligence, AI, diversity, policy


  • Organizing Committee
    courriel : minlangconf [at] inshea [dot] fr

Information source

  • Cedric Moreau
    courriel : cedric [dot] moreau [at] inshea [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Minority languages spoken or signed and inclusive spaces », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, October 24, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/13p6

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