HomeVine, wine and education from the 18th century to today

Vine, wine and education from the 18th century to today

Vigne, vin et éducation du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours

Vides, vino y educación du siglo XVIII a nuestros días

Mahatsondoak, ardoa eta hezkuntza XVIII. mendetik gaur egunera

Vinha, vin e educacion Deu sègle XVIIIau ençà

*  *  *

Published on Tuesday, November 26, 2019


The vine, the wine and the education are themes which appear distant and which nevertheless can be gathered around the training program and the places of apprenticeship (high schools wine, universities, schools of oenology ...) and school knowledge through disciplines such as geography, biology, art ...; This does not prevent the School from also fighting against addictions, alcoholism and its excesses. It must be said that vine and wine have always brought people together, constituting a real cultural heritage spread all over the world, wine being then a cultural and societal cultural reference. Thus, this theme could be studied around three main axes by involving several disciplines from the Humanities and Social Sciences but also Sciences and literary and artistic disciplines.


Bordeaux, May 19-20-21, 2021  


The vine, the wine and the education are themes which appear distant and which nevertheless can be gathered around the training program and the places of apprenticeship (high schools wine, universities, schools of oenology ...) and school knowledge through disciplines such as geography, biology, art ...; This does not prevent the School from also fighting against addictions, alcoholism and its excesses. It must be said that vine and wine have always brought people together, constituting a real cultural heritage spread all over the world, wine being then a cultural and societal cultural reference. Thus, this theme could be studied around three main  axes by involving several disciplines from the Humanities and Social Sciences but also Sciences and literary and artistic disciplines.

1. Wine, education, places, environment

The learning of the culture of the vine and the breeding of the wine is done in specific places., rfom the XVIIIe century, it have seemed necessary to train professionals able to reproduce a gesture or to learn a trade. From 1880 an Agronomic and Oenological Station was created in Bordeaux, but it was not until 1956 that the École Supérieure d'Oenologie trained its first pupils. This process that emanates from a reflection conducted in the eighteenth century, is it similar in other wine regions of the world? Have there been transnational transfers? We would like to underline these continuities and these breaks, through a conjuncture linked to an economic expansion, political positions or viticultural crises. We could focus on the following points: - The birth of oenology and its teaching. - The creation of viticultural education institutions. - Wine and libraries (school, university). - The historical-educational heritage: the objects of the vine and wine at school. - Vineyard landscapes and teaching. - Vines, wine sustainable development and education to biodiversity. - Art, school and wine. - Literature, philosophy, training and wine. - Wine education and digital culture.

2. Wine, learning and transmission of knowledge and know-how

Working for wine involves the passage of empirical gestures learned on the job, to more codified knowledge that is structured in the eighteenth century but especially in the nineteenth century under the leadership of the elite. If the transmission of knowledge is done through treaties, textbooks, elites, like the Baron Rothschild in Pauillac or the Marquis of Lur Saluces Sauternes, invested in the creation of schools, to give a sufficient level of education for young agricultural workers at the end of the 19th century. We could think about the following questions: does this investment of elites exist at the same time in other wine-growing regions of the world? What kind of learning and know-how does this type of education provide? - Apprenticeship of the wine trades in the professional channels - School disciplines and wine - The viticultural issue through textbooks: writing to teach wine. - Teacher training. - The transmission of knowledge and know-how. - How does the painter or the artist represent the wine at school?

3. Wine, health and the school environment

In the nineteenth century, with the development of regulations and the rise of hygiene, we realize the harm of alcohol. The public authorities then understand, and this is still the case today, that the School can and must be an important relay. Thus, the bottle  of red wine in the hands of children, still present in the paintings and photos of the early twentieth century, disappears very slowly from the student lunch pack. The fight against alcoholism becomes a theme addressed by the teacher responsible for training the informed citizen. It would be interesting here to study this theme over the long term around the following approaches: - Wine, childhood and transmission. - School and fight against alcoholism. - School legislation and wine. - What pedagogy for health? - Wine and youth: socialization or marginalization? - Wine, addiction, representations. - Educational practices and wine cultures.

Official languages ​​of the symposium: French, English, Spanish, Italian, Occitan and Basque. Acts in French. Communication booklet in the language of communication.

Important dates

  • Submission deadline from 10/2019 to 31/01/2020 , please send your abstract to symposium-vin-et-education-2021@u-bordeaux.fr

  • Notification of acceptance or rejection : may 2020
  • Full paper : october 2020 


  • Cité du Vin et Musée d'Aquitaine
    Bordeaux, France (33)


  • Friday, January 31, 2020


  • vigne, vin, éducation, culture, socialisation, jeunesse, pédagogie, formation, transmission, savoirs, savoir-faire, paysages, anti-alcoolisme, santé


  • symposium-vin-et-educatin
    courriel : symposium-vin-et-education-2021 [at] u-bordeaux [dot] fr

Information source

  • Céline Piot
    courriel : celine [dot] piot [at] u-bordeaux [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Vine, wine and education from the 18th century to today », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/13x6

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