HomeJustice Administration Research Association in formation
Justice Administration Research Association in formation
Création d’une association internationale de recherche sur l’administration de la justice
Published on Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Cet appel à manifestation d’intérêt est publié en vue de la création d’une association internationale de recherche sur l’administration de la justice.
During the past decades, court and justice administration have received increasing attention ofresearchers. Government policies are strong in this domain and the rule of law also draws theattention of lawyers to the functioning of courts and justice administration with a view to therule of law. From the perspective of society, attention is drawn to conflict resolution,accessibility of the courts, and to people’s trust in the courts.
We are a network of academics in this field, and we seek to establish a sustainable open platformfor cooperation and exchange in justice administration studies, open to researchers,practitioners, and institutions of the justice domain from different disciplines. For this purpose,we think of establishing an international Association, which has its roots in Europe where ournetwork has been developing over the years.
Members of such an Association would have an easy access to a platform where they canconnect for exchange ideas, projects, and research. We would not restrict any nationality fromthe membership.
The Association to be would host academics, judges, prosecutors, court managers, consultants,and other persons working in justice administration, and would support connections withinternational organisations active in the field (e.g. CEPEJ, CCJE, ENCJ, EJTN, IACA, NCSC,etc), but of course also academic research institutes and governance institutions in the field ofjustice and court administration can become members.
The Association to be will organize meetings, workshops, at least a conference every two years,and public debates on court & justice administration, but many further activities can bedeveloped.
The lingua franca of the association would be English, as by experience, most researchers inthis field command this language, but activities and workshops can certainly be carried out inother languages.
We are thinking that a personal membership fee could be around € 40 per year, institutionalmembership could be € 400 per year, and allow max 5 memberships. The association’smembership fees will initially be used to support the establishment of the Association andcreating a website.
We estimate that we need 100 members to begin with.
Let us know if you would endorse the establishment of such an Association, if you would wantto enroll in such an Association, and maybe to have a more proactive role in its, we hope,starting. We look forward to receiving your reaction at organiser@jar-association.eu
- Law (Main category)
- Limoges, France (87)
- Thursday, December 31, 2020
Attached files
- administration, justice
- Caroline Expert-Foulquier
courriel : caroline [dot] expert-foulquier [at] unilim [dot] fr
Information source
- Stéphanie Bartkowiak
courriel : stephanie [dot] bartkowiak [at] unilim [dot] fr
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Justice Administration Research Association in formation », Miscellaneous information, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, December 18, 2019, https://doi.org/10.58079/142t