HomeMemories in the Caribbean and Latin American Areas: between Tradition, Modernity and Transmodernity

HomeMemories in the Caribbean and Latin American Areas: between Tradition, Modernity and Transmodernity

Memories in the Caribbean and Latin American Areas: between Tradition, Modernity and Transmodernity

Memorias en el Caribe y América Latina : entre tradicion, modernidad y transmodernidad

Mémoires dans la Caraïbe et l’Amérique latine : entre tradition, modernité et transmodernité

1920-2020: a century of capitalism

1920-2020: un siglo de capitalismo

1920-2020 : un siècle de capitalisme

*  *  *

Published on Wednesday, January 08, 2020


Las memorias y tradiciones en el Caribe y en América latina siempre han sido objeto de debates acalorados, siempre han desatado convulsiones, han sido afectadas por procesos de amnesia y asimilación, influenciados directamente por el colonialismo, el positivismo, el imperialismo, la globalización, el neocolonialismo. 2020, se presenta como un año crucial para los países occidentales u occidentalizados, y nos ofrece la posibilidad de cuestionar el modelo capitalista, o el aporte de la occidentalización a la edificación social de los pueblos, es decir, preguntarse si es el único sistema económico, el único y obligado modelo político, que permite contemplar el progreso, la evolución y el modernismo en nuestras regiones.



In the Caribbean and Latin American areas, memories and traditions have always been at the heart of stormy discussions and have always provoked convulsions, because they were affected by two processes : amnesia and assimilation, that were directly influenced by colonialism, positivism, imperialism, globalization and neo colonialism.

2020 is no doubt a vital year for western and westernized countries as it offers to anyone the opportunity to consider capitalism, namely the impact of occidentalization on the social edification of peoples, to ask if capitalism is the only economic system and the only forced political model which allows any of us to make our areas enter progress, evolution and modernism.

Revolutions, insurrections, including guerillas, the Cold War context surrounding the whole Latin American continent, the West Indies and the Caribbean areas, show that local resistances want to keep forgotten or hidden memories alive, to bring fallen myths back, to give a brand new interpretation of History or to give a new meaning to symbols, all of them being  necessary foundations of peoples and nations’ development.

Nevertheless, resistance is not only an act of self-defense but also a desire to control our destiny again, a new institutional way of viewing history or not, an urgent obligation to reexamine historical sequences and the need to understand the deep meaning of an existence which was reluctantly kept meaningless. 

Resistance lies in the new horizontal interpretation of history which largely develops into nets and archipelagos, and not in the traditional vertical view, that is to say Transhistory, in order to give a new interpretation of Edouard Glissant’s reflection in his Traité du Tout-Monde, and through art, literature, speeches, human sciences so that our peoples can achieve anamnesis, the true cornerstone to planning a new identity (con) quest.

Where does the Being’s confusion or passivity come from ? Is it from the Being’s misunderstanding of information that were given too late or too early ?  Or is it because the need is not a necessary step to its development ? Is its evolution an answer to a common need which is awakened by a shortcoming society ?  Evolution, which is marked by the transition between past and future, is made with many choices - conscious or not -, to go from past to present times, even though these choices are blurred but completed.

Though being out of control, coming out of movement, the result is yet still visible. It is essentially movement but it comes in a new shape or it is doomed to be pure movement. Movement is both necessity and chaos and clearly reflects the bad and good sides of the societies that feed it. The bad side, when it is clearly identified, derives from the choices to admit an only movement in the whole. Now the movement is unique only if it affects the whole. As a consequence, any Being is an answer to any movement that hits it and makes it resound over the whole to become the source of novelties and the base of its self-knowledge.

Through this reflexion, all researchers are invited to look for and to analyse these sources not as products anymore but as creation, so that we can have a better knowledge of the evolution of our colonized and enslaved societies. So one can ask : has the main ideology conquered these areas or had existentialism forced ambition to go to unpredictable directions ?

As Independence, cultural crossing, unequalities, consciousness, deolonization exist in this mirror-game of fantasy lands-real lands, how can the BEING keep on conquering itself, according to its own expectations ?

So our reflection will be about identifying the socio-ideological stakes of caribbean and Latin American societies thanks to memories, in order to establish the ways to transcendence.

The objectives of this conference are to take into account the global context, to return to imagined and imaginary realities in a local context.

Any critic refers to the conceptualisation of decolonization, as it is based on Walter Mignolo’s or Enrique Dussel’s works – though they are still unknown in France -, so that one can openly outlook liberation.

Submission guidelines

Any copy of lecture will be written into Spanish, French or English, will be about 300-word long and completed with a brief biobibliographical note. Some publishing is planned, including articles, along with respect of current conditions applied to scientific publishing.

Key words : tradition – collective need – source – product – movement – identities

Please send your summary and key words to Malissa Conseil malissa.conseil@hotmail.fr, completed with a brief biobibliography including your institutional identification. Contributions will have the shape of a 20-minute universitary communication followed by a 15-minute debate.

Copy deposit deadline : 15th January 2020

Scientific Council reply : 15th february 2020

Organizational committee

  • Malissa CONSEIL, Assistant Professor, French West Indies University Martinique
  • Gérald DESERT, Assistant Professor, French West Indies University, Martinique 
  • Anne PENE-ANNETTE, Associate Professor French West Indies University, Martinique
  • Jaime ARAGON FALOMIR, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, French West Indies University Martinique

Scientific committee

  • Nestor PONCE, Professor Rennes University
  • Elissa Loraine LISTER BRUGAL, Associate Professor National University Colombia and Brasilia University
  • Dominique BERTHET, Professor French West Indies University 
  • Raphaël CONFIANT, Professor French West Indies University
  • Faisel IGLESIAS, Lawyer and Associate Professor, Humacao University
  • Angel G. QUINTERO, Professor Puerto Rico University
  • Silvia VALERO, Professor Carthagena University
  • Gloria BONILLA VELEZ, Tenure Associate Professor, Carthagena University
  • Corinne MENCE-CASTER, Professor Sorbonne University
  • Gerry LETANG, Tenure Associate Professor, French West Indies University
  • Anne PENE-ANNETTE, Associate Professor, French West Indies University 
  • Jean-Louis JOACHIM, Associate Professor, French West Indies University 
  • Jaime ARAGON FALOMIR, Tenure-Track Assistant Professor French West Indies University
  • Roxana VILLEGAS, Associate Professor, French West Indies University


  • Fouillolle, Point à Pitre
    Fort-de-France, Martinique


  • Wednesday, January 15, 2020


  • tradition, besoin collectif, source, produit, mouvement, identités


  • Malissa Conseil
    courriel : malissa [dot] conseil [at] hotmail [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Néstor Ponce
    courriel : nestorponce35 [at] yahoo [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Memories in the Caribbean and Latin American Areas: between Tradition, Modernity and Transmodernity », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, January 08, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/144h

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