HomeLiving the heritage - architecture in peril. From domestic habitat to ancient sites

Living the heritage - architecture in peril. From domestic habitat to ancient sites

Vivre le patrimoine

Des architectures en péril. De l’habitat domestique aux sites anciens

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Published on Monday, February 17, 2020


Le patrimoine n’est plus limité au monument historique, rare témoin d’un moment de l’histoire, mais a évolué vers une conception plus large, qui peut comprendre, à la fois, les ensembles urbains, les sites et paysages, ou encore  les savoir-faire ou traditions. Ainsi, sont reconnus comme patrimoine, à côté du monument œuvre isolée, les œuvres domestiques, témoignages d’activités des plus élémentaires aux plus complexes. Notre rapport au patrimoine s’en trouve complètement bouleversé. De simples observateurs, admirateurs d’une œuvre d’art sacralisée, nous nous retrouvons acteurs dynamiques dans la transformation de notre espace, que l’on considérait comme un habitat domestique courant, en espace patrimonialisé et donc à sauvegarder et à conserver.


Conference Overview

Heritage is no longer limited to the historical monument, a rare witness of a moment in history, but has evolved into a broader concept, which can include, at  the same time, urban settlements, sites and landscapes, or even know-how or traditions. Thus, are recognized as heritage, alongside the isolated monument, domestic artefact and testimony of activities from the most basic to the most complex. Our relationship to the heritage is completely disturbed. As simple observers, admirers of a valuable work of art, we find ourselves dynamic actors in the transformation of our space. Those common housing need to be saved and preserved as a patrimonial heritage.

The growing urbanization is dissolving some parts of the ancient cities (medieval or modern) leaving behind fragments of devastated and poorly preserved heritage. For more than half a century, with the succession of different charters (Athens, Venice ...), the importance of the preservation of a heritage of exceptional character needs no longer proof. Nowadays, countries like Morocco, have become aware of the preservation and conservation of urban or rural areas, and are starting to adopt legal texts (plan for safeguarding and enhancement). Those laws are necessary to support long-term rational actions, thoughtful missions for neighbourhoods, pieces of cities, towns or villages..

As a result, we need to submit historic cities, villages, quasbah, as a rare heritage to the laws of preservation and conservation.

The ancient city is still alive and active in Morocco, but is under the pressures of modernization, and must address quality and commodity needs in the houses, combining heritage quality and modernity. These neighbourhoods inhabited by population that seeks comfort of contemporary living (independent housing thermally insulated, acoustically...), face the problematic of rebuilding on the existent "(Make the City on the City). Therefore the restoration and rehabilitation responses to be provided must go in the same direction. The development and research of implementation of high-performance solution are required in terms of preservation and high environmental quality.

Sustainability, smart city, are problematic that we need to be aware of while preserving the heritage, taking into account the contemporary comfort of the inhabitants.

In addition, low income families generally settle in these ancient sites, therefore the integration of these neighbourhoods in the contemporary economic dynamic is very sensitive. The intervention would thus take non-spatial forms through a socio-economic approach, including “architectural graft”.

 However, the heritage problematic  is not only limited to the medinas or modern districts, but also includes rural villages, Ksour and Kasbah that suffer from sustained depopulation due to the pressure of migrating from countryside to city.

This broad vision of the heritage through its restoration, its conservation, its rehabilitation and its management questions the role of the actors (institutional and professional) and the operating modes of the preservation actions on endangered architectures and urban settlement.

Thematic axes

The main aim of this conference is to initiate reflection and foster exchanges between different university heritage specialists as well as practicing professionals and institutional actors in civil society (architecture, history, geography, archeology, engineering, social sciences ), on the issues of safeguarding and protecting heritage sites.

The conference opens on all approaches and reflections that are theoretical, methodological, didactic and empirical.

This conference wishes to engage a fruitful and profound reflection around the following three axes:

  1. Procedures for intervention in a heritage site:

In this axis, it is question of questioning the different modes of spatial intervention in the old city, the village, the domestic habitat as architectural heritage to safeguard. The objective is to lay out the approaches and methods as well as the tools and the means implemented in the process of conservation, safeguarding, restoration, rehabilitation.

An important part is to be reserved for the question of creating the city on the city, the issue of sustainability and the sustainable city in historical sites. The contemporary architectural grafting approach as a way to revitalize an evolving heritage.

  1. Living in a historic site, everyday problems:

Through this axis, we want to clarify the different policies and solutions to support the population living heritage sites by highlighting the socio-economic dimension, and the issue of social mix in old sites. It is a question of apprehending the heritage sites in their contemporary realities through manifestations of potential convergences related to the social practices, to the organization of the space (domestic or public) as well as to the relations maintained with the physical environment and climate.

  1. Heritage actors, a shared interest.

Henceforth, alongside state authorities, the protection and enhancement of heritage is increasingly ensured by a vast network of institutions, associations, professionals or individuals acting in groups or individually. They enrich the practice and knowledge around heritage. It is important for us to identify these actors, to understand their logic and their approaches, and to highlight their place and role in the heritage process.

Submission Guidelines

Title of the paper in the second language. Important. Read here editorial guidelines

Summary. The organization requires two abstracts for each paper: the first in French the official language of the conference; the second one in one of the languages ​​of the Mediterranean countries, at their choice, for example English, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Greek ...; in such a way, the plurality of cultures will be better represented. One of the two abstract must be the one that was already approved by the Scientific Committee, the other must be a translation with identical content. In the Book of Abstracts a full page will be given to each article, with the two abstracts. Each reader who knows French and English will be able to follow the flow of the presentations; the abstracts in the third language will definitely be of benefit to other participants.

We ask you to compile your three abstracts exactly in the Word file you are reading, and send it to the secretariat of the conference in this same Word format (.docx). Don’t use Acrobat format (.pdf). If you choose both English and French, we ask you to use French for the first one.

It is forbidden to stay within the next page or to change the typography (font, margins, line spacing, ...), there is enough room for two pieces of 2000 characters. In the case the two abstracts cannot fit into one single page, please shorten both them, keeping the two contents equal; there is only one page for each article. Please do not use the bold. Each abstract will start with the title in its own language. The names and surnames of the authors, e-mail et site web must be indicated only in the first abstract, the upper one, with the affiliations. Please follow the stylistic indications of this text, for example, UPPER and lower case, alignments, etc.

If you have any doubts about typography, see the FAQ section that will be prepared on site www.confpatri2020ENARABAT.org

Keywords: Up, To, Five, Keywords

Please sent your file to confpatrimaroc@ena.archi.ma before April, 1st 2020.

Please insert the ID of your paper in the e-mail title

Conférence chairman

Pr. Mouna M'hammedi.



  • Rabat
    Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco (10112)


  • Wednesday, April 01, 2020


  • patrimoine, sauvegarde, restauration, réhabilitation, greffe architecturale, mixité sociale


  • Mouna Mhammedi
    courriel : mouna [dot] mhammedi [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Mohammed Akazaf
    courriel : mohammedakazaf [at] gmail [dot] com
  • Ouafa Messous
    courriel : messous [dot] ouafa [at] gmail [dot] com

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Ecole Nationale d'Architecture de Rabat
    courriel : confpatrimaroc [at] ena [dot] archi [dot] ma


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To cite this announcement

« Living the heritage - architecture in peril. From domestic habitat to ancient sites », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, February 17, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/14gh

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