HomeSouthern Nights - interdisciplinarity and Night Studies

Southern Nights - interdisciplinarity and Night Studies

Nuits des suds

Première approche interdisciplinaire des nuits du Monde

*  *  *

Published on Monday, March 09, 2020


The night, a long-forgotten dimension of the city, is now at the heart of urban issues in research, city-making and in the development, management, tourism development and governance of cities. Socio-economic studies, strategic approaches and public policies directed at the night are gradually emerging in many countries and on different continents. In research, a new interdisciplinary field is gradually being structured around "night studies" or "night research". The aim of this colloquium is to bring together researchers from different disciplines (geography, planning, art, history, sociology, urban studies, etc.), and artists, and speakers from different countries to discuss approaches for using, creating, inhabiting, living and protecting the nights of the Global South. These reflections and exchanges will enrich the emerging field of Nights Studies.



The night, a long-forgotten dimension of the city, is now at the heart of urban issues in research, city-making and in the development, management, tourism development and governance of cities. Socio-economic studies, strategic approaches and public policies directed at the night are gradually emerging in many countries and on different continents. In research, a new interdisciplinary field is gradually being structured around "night studies" or "night research".

Until the last few years, work on the night has focused more on cities in the North, and only a few metropolises in South America, Australia or Asia, particularly China. However, there is still little work on the “Global South”, particularly the southern Mediterranean, Maghreb, Mashreq, Black Africa a and other parts of the world. How are nights experienced in these regions? How are nights inhabited in these regions? How are they organized? When research does exist, what are the dominant approaches? What is the place of culture and religion? What is the relationship of night to gender and diverse sexualities? What is the place of women? What is the role of generation in shaping the night? What traditions exist concerning the night? What developments may be observed in which the night is involved? Which organizations are involved? Which services? What rhythms? Which means of transport and mobility? Which populations? Which activities? Which conflicts? Which innovations? What future(s) for the night may be anticipated for countries of the Global South? What social changes are unfolding and asserting themselves through the night? Could the night play a role in the process of ecological transition? And, finally, what are the specific features of urban nights in the South, and how might these contribute to the reflections underway in other regions of the world?

To try and answer these questions, several non-exclusive points of entry" will be privileged: territories and temporalities of the night (events, traditions, rites...); economies of the night (informal, marketing...); people of the night; the tensions, conflicts, innovations, solutions, and adaptation of people, organizations and territories to the night, as well as methodologies for approaching the night In addition to those dealing with these suggested themes, all proposals on "Nights of the South” (Nights in the Global South) will be carefully examined, regardless of their disciplinary and geographical origins.


The aim of this colloquium is to bring together researchers from different disciplines (geography, planning, art, history, sociology, urban studies, etc.), and artists, and speakers from different countries to discuss approaches for using, creating, inhabiting, living and protecting the nights of the Global South. These reflections and exchanges will enrich the emerging field of Nights Studies.


The two-day conference (which will take place just before the longest night of the year) will be an opportunity to mobilize specialists through presentations, but also immersive night eventsand workshops. It will take advantage of the festivities organized as part of the "Mawazine, rythms of the world" festival, from 19 to 27 June 2020. This event brings together more than a million people and transforms the nights of the Moroccan capital. The program will be organized around four main areas:

Axis 1: Public spaces and territories

This axis will draw on different disciplines in addressing the practices and representations of the city at night in relation to public spaces - their designs, layouts, lighting, users' experiences relation to urbanity. The new night-time political mobilization that is unfolding, in city squares from Chile to India and Lebanon, are one interesting possible focus. In this axis, the night-time city might also be approached in terms of the historical depth of its events, traditions, rites and rituals. Different forms of artistic expression highlighting the plural dimensions of the night will be welcome. Questions of gender will be a central focus. While the city is often privileged in research on the night, work on rural areas will be welcome.

Axis 2: Economies of the night

Beyond its links to conviviality and celebration, the night can also be approached as a resource, a moment of production, a sector that creates wealth and jobs, but also as a space-time of tension and resistance, a hostile and sparsely populated environment under pressure. In metropolises facing the continuous time of the economy and networks, much of social and economic life now exists in a state of constant wakefulness. The night has become a profitable economic sector. Within this sector, however, economic actors often remain unrecognized: transport providers, shopkeepers, caterers, cleaning and security agents, policemen, doctors and nurses. At the same time, night space produces a new way of living in the city. It involves other populations, traces new places of centrality, and sketches other borders and boundaries. How do users of the night, "night owls", appropriate the the city? Here, the night can be approached as a territory to be explored in terms of its inhabitants, and the ways in which their practices, genders, and status produce strategies for adaptation to specific constraints. We are looking for proposals intended to broaden and refine our knowledge about economic practices and activities in the city at night, the spaces in which they occur, the people of the night and their histories, and the tensions and conflicts which mark the night.

Axis 3: Innovation, governance and urban planning

International experience has shown that the decline (or rise) of nightlife can be detrimental to cities and their inhabitants. In this context, governments are now trying to upgrade and revitalize the night. The approaches adopted by cities cannot be understood outside of a process of globalization. The experiences of "night mayors " (Paris, Amsterdam...) can no longer pass unnoticed. The urban night has become part of the political agenda of authorities in charge of innovation, town planning and urban development. Long considered marginal and 'left to its own devices”, this space-time has recently become a key element in the transformation of cities. We are interested here in the strategies adopted by actors and urban policies (such as "Mumbai 24X7" in India) to response to the emerging issues facing cities in the Global South. What approaches have been implemented in order to, on the one hand, highlight the attractiveness of local nightlife and, on the other, to limit its undesirable effects? What new forms of activism are being deployed around lighting, noise, transport and women's safety?

Axis 4: Methodological approaches to the night in the social sciences

Does studying the night involve a specific methodology or methodologies? The choice between a qualitative or quantitative approach to the night is often a function of research objectives. While politicians have tended to find quantitative results convincing (they are easily compared), the qualitative methods developed by some researchers have made it possible to reveal the little-known and profound dimensions of urban nights and the specific characteristics of metropolitan areas. We are interested here in contributions that take up the question of qualitative and quantitative methods in night studies, develop different approaches to the night, and explore possible combinations and articulations between these methodologies.

Organizing committee

  • Sanae Aljem, Institut National d'aménagement et d'urbanisme du Maroc, Rabat (Morocco)
  • Farzane Ajar, Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Wafae Belarbi, Ecole Nationale d'Architecture, Rabat
  • Luc Gwiazdzinski, IGA, Laboratoire Pacte (UMR 5194 CNRS), Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
  • Aziz Iraki, Institut National d'aménagement et d'urbanisme du Maroc, Rabat (Morocco)
  • Abdellah Moussalih, Institut National d'aménagement et d'urbanisme du Maroc, Rabat (Morocco)
  • Will Straw, McGill, Department of Art History and Communications

Studies Scientific committee

  • Adamou Abdoulaye, Université de Zinder, Zinder (Niger)
  • Mustafa Akalay Nasser, UPF (Maroc) 
  • Fatima Alikhan, Hyderabad (Inde) 
  • Sanae Aljem, Institut National d’aménagement et d’urbanisme du Maroc, Rabat (Maroc)
  • Christelle Alvergne, UNCDF (Sénégal)
  • Marie Avril Berthet, University of Leeds (Grande Bretagne)
  • Atephed Amid, Londres (Grande-Bretagne) 
  • Nacima Baron, Université Marne la Vallée (France) 
  • Aurore Monod Becquelin, Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative, CNRS, Paris (France) 
  • Wafae Belarbi, Ecole Nationale d’Architecture, Rabat (Maroc) 
  • Anne-Gael Bilhaut, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (Equateur) 
  • Fares Boubakour, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, Alger (Algérie)
  • Ibrahim Bouzou Moussa, Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey (Niger)
  • Mohamed Chadli, INSAP, Rabat (Maroc)
  • Dominique Crozat, Université de Montpellier (France)
  • Swati Chatterjee, Alf, Calcutta (Inde)
  • Patrick Chamoiseau, écrivain (France)
  • Matteo Colleoni, Universita degli studi di Milano Bicocca (Italie)
  • Cécilia Comelli, CNRS, Bordeaux (France)
  • Mounir Douib, Université de Carthage (Tunisie)
  • Thomas Fouquet, CNRS (IMAF/MOVIDA) (Sénégal)
  • Marcos Gois, Universidade federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brésil)
  • Luc Gwiazdzinski, IUGA, Laboratoire Pacte, Université Grenoble Alpes (France)
  • Aziz Iraki, Institut National d’aménagement et d’urbanisme du Maroc, Rabat (Maroc)
  • Véronique Nahoum Grappe, EHESS (France)
  • Wenbo Hu, Shanghaï (Chine) 
  • Corneliu Iatu, Université Ioan Cuza, Iasi (Roumanie)
  • Mohammed Idrissi Janati, Université Mohamed V, Rabat (Maroc)
  • Tabomka Laye, Université Sonfonia, Conakry (Guinée)
  • Elida Lima, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (Brésil)
  • Marco Magioli, IULM, Milan (Italie)
  • Laurent Matthey, Université de Genève (Suisse)
  • Mohamed Melyani, Université de Picardie (France)
  • Abdellah Moussalih, Institut National d’aménagement et d’urbanisme du Maroc, Rabat (Maroc)
  • Ashween Parulkar, Center for Policy Research (Inde)
  • Marion Roberts, School of Architecture & Cities, Newcastle (Grande Bretagne)
  • Papa Sakho, Université Cheikh Anta Diop (Sénégal)
  • Joelle Sazk, Université de Provence (France)
  • Robert Shaw, Newcascle University (Grande-Bretagne)
  • Will Straw, McGill, Department of Art History and Communications Studies (Canada)
  • Andreina Seijas, Harvard University (Etats-Unis)
  • Mohamed Tamim, Institut National d’aménagement et d’urbanisme du Maroc, Rabat (Maroc)
  • Angelo Turco, IULM Milan (Italie)
  • Alejandro Mercado-Celis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexique)
  • Abdoulaye Wotem Sompare, Université Kofi Annan, Conakri (Guinée)
  • Chris Younes, ENSA Clermont Ferrand (France)
  • Marie-Hélène Zerah, IRD, Delhi (Inde)


  • Proposal submission deadline: by 30 March 2020

  • Reply to authors: 15 April 2020
  • Confirmation and release of the official program: 30 April 2020
  • Authors are to send their final papers: by 20 May 2020
  • Date of the colloquium: Friday 19 and Saturday 20 June 2020

Guidelines for submitting proposals

Proposals for papers should be sent by e-mail in one of the three colloquium languages (French, Arabic and English) in Word format to the following address: <> . They should include the following elements:

  • the authors' and co-authors' names with affiliation information (first name, surname, status, institution) as well as a short biographical note for each;
  • authors’ and co-authors’ contact information;
  • a title;
  • a list of five key words;
  • an abstract of approximately 4,000 characters including spaces. This abstract will summarize the key questions and research approach (the conceptual and methodological framework) as well as any results findings or reflections upon
  • the thematic focus should be clearly identified;
  • a summary bibliography of 8 references

Each proposal will be evaluated by members of the colloquium scientific committee. It is possible that the best scientific articles will be published in a special issue of an international journal. The three colloquium languages will be French, Arabic and English (nuitsdessuds)

Bibliographic References

Association des concepteurs lumière et éclairagistes (ACE) (2017), La Conception lumière. Appréhender le contexte, les enjeux et les acteurs, Antony, Éditions du Moniteur.

Bonte M., Le Douarin L. (2014), « Dans les pas de la nuit. Les rythmes urbains de Beyrouth à la tombée du jour », Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Méditerranée, n°135.

Bronfen, E. (2013). Night Passages: Philosophy, Literature, and Film, New York, Columbia University Press

Cabantous A. (2009), Histoire de la nuit : XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle, Paris, Fayard. Castellini A. (2003), Piacevole è la notte, Milan, Manifestolibri.

Challéat S., Lapostolle D.  (2017),  « Prendre  en  compte  les  usages  pour  mieux  éclairer  la nuit », Métropolitiques, 14 décembre 2017.

Chatterton P., Robert H., (2003), Urban Nightscapes: Youth Cultures, Pleasure Spaces and Corporate Power, New York, Routledge.

Chazkel A. (2017), “The Invention of Night: Visibility and Violence after Dark in Rio de Janeiro”, in Gema Santamaria and David Carey, eds. Violence and Crime in Latin America: Representations and Politics, University of Oklahoma Press, pp. 143-156.

Crary, J. (2013), 24/7, Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep. Verso Books.

Deleuil, J.-M. (dir.) (2009), Éclairer la ville autrement. Innovations et expérimentations en éclairage public, Lausanne, Presses universitaires et polytechniques romandes.

Eberling M. M., Henckel D. (2002), Alles zu jeder Zeit? Die Städte auf dem Weg zur kontinuierlichen Aktivität. Berlin, Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik.

Espinasse, C et Buhagiar P. (2004), Les Passagers de la Nuit : Vie nocturne des jeunes, Paris, l’Harmattan.

Fouquet T. (2016), « Paysages nocturnes de la ville et politiques de la nuit, Perspectives ouest- africaines, Dossier Nuits urbaines, Sociétés politiques comparées 38, jan.-avr. 2016

Fournet-Guérin, C. (2014), « La rocade et la ville : contournement et détournement d’usages à Antananarivo (Madagascar) », Métropolitiques, 8 octobre 2014.

Hölker, F., Wolter, C., Perkin, E. K. et Tockner, K. (2010), “Light pollution as a biodiversity threat”,

Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25, 12, pp. 681-682.

Jordi N. et al. (2016), “Club Carib: A geo-ethnography of seduction in a Lisbon dancing bar”, 18, 8,

Social & Cultural Geography pp. 1175-1195.

Giordano E., Gwiazdzinski L., (2018), “La notte urbana, una nuova frontiera per la ricerca geografica in Italia”, Rivista geografica italiana, Pacini Editore S.p.A., 2018, pp.437-452.

Guerin F., Hernandez E., Montandon A. (2018), Cohabiter les nuits urbaines, Paris, L’Harmattan. Gwiazdzinski L. (2015), “The Urban Night: a Space Time for Innovation and Sustainable Development”, Journal of urban Research, 11, pp. 1-15

Gwiazdzinski  L.  (2005),  La  nuit  dernière  frontière  de  la  ville,  La  Tour  d’Aigues,  L’Aube. Hae, L. (2011). ‘Dilemmas of the Nightlife Fix: Post-industrialisation and the Gentrification of Nightlife in New York City.’ Urban Studies 48(16), pp. 3449–3465.

Hu W. et al. (2017), “Les nuits de Shanghaï. Première approche spatio-temporelle à partir des réseaux numériques sociaux”, Netcom and Communication studies, 30, 3-4, pp.5-12

Kersale Y. (1998), Lumière matière, Gallery-Ma.

Koslovsky C. (2011), Evening's Empire, Cambridge University Press.

Maggioli, M. et al. (2019) « Geografie  della  notte »,  Bollettino  Della  Società  Geografica  Italiana, 1(2), 9-22.

Mallet S., Burger C. (2016), “What Place for Night-time in the Urban Policy of a French Intermediate City?”, Journal of Urban Research 11

Mercado A. (2017), “Patrones espaciales del consumo nocturno: el caso la música popular alternativa en la Ciudad de México”, en José Gasca Zamora y Patricia E. Olivera Martínez, Espacios del consumo y el comercio en la ciudad contemporánea, México, IIE-UNAM.

Millet B. (2003), « L’homme dans la ville en continu » in Gwiazdzinski L., La ville 24h/24, La Tour d’Aigues, L’Aube, pp.87-94.

Narboni R. (2012), Les éclairages des villes, Gollion, Paris, Infolio.

Nicholls, N. (2019). Negotiating Femininities in the Neoliberal Night-Time Economy. Palgrave.h Palmer B. (2000), Cultures of Darkness. Night Travels in the History of Transgression, New York, Monthly Press.

Perraut-Soliveres A. (2001), Infirmières, le savoir de la nuit, Paris, PUF.

Pulido Llano G. (2016), El mapa «rojo» del pecado: miedo y vida nocturna en la ciudad de México 1940-1950, Mexico City, INAH.

Raharinjanahary, R., & Rajoelina, S. (2019), « Les nuits, poumons de l’agglomeration d’Antananarivo », Bollettino Della Società Geografica Italiana, 1(2), 151-161.

Roberts M.,  Eldridge  A.  (2009),  Planning  the  Night-time  City.  New-York,  Routledge.  Sharma, S. (2013). . ”Because the Night Belongs to Lovers: Occupying the Time of Precarity.” Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 11:1, 5-14, 2013.

Seijas, A. et M. Milan (2020). « Governing the night-time city: The rise of night mayors as

a new form of urban governance after dark,” Urban Studies I-19, 2020.

Shaw R. (2015), “Alive after Five: Constructing the Neoliberal Night in Newcastle upon Tyne”,

Urban Studies, 52, pp. 456-70.

Straw, W. (2015), “The Urban Night”, in Darroch M. and Marchessault J. (eds.), Cartographies of Place: Navigating the Urban, Montreal, Quebec, McGill Queens University Press, pp.185-200.

Talbot D. (2007), Regulating the Night. Race, Culture and Exclusion in the Making of the Night- time Economy. Aldershot, Ashgate.

Varani, N., & Bernardini, E. (2019), The nightlife spaces: the case of bush bars in Abuja. Bollettino Della Società Geografica Italiana, 1(2), 195-206.

Zhang J.-H., Wang M.H. (2013), “Review of Research in Ancient China’s Night Market”, Journal of Hebei University, 38, 5, 2013, pp.106-113.


  • INAU Avenue Allal El Fassi B.P 6215 – Rabat-Instituts MAROC Tél : 0537274032. E-mail :
    Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco (BP 6215)


  • Monday, March 30, 2020


  • nuit, sud, nuit urbaine, night studies, nightlife, night time economy, économie de la nuit, nightscape, Asie


  • luc gwiazdzinski
    courriel : lucmarcg [at] gamil [dot] com
  • Abdellah MOUSSALIH
    courriel : a [dot] moussalih [at] enatetouan [dot] ac [dot] ma

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Information source

  • luc gwiazdzinski
    courriel : lucmarcg [at] gamil [dot] com


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« Southern Nights - interdisciplinarity and Night Studies », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, March 09, 2020,

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