HomeHow to talk about the environment? Do we really need new heroes/heralds?

How to talk about the environment? Do we really need new heroes/heralds?

Comment parler d’environnement ? Héros / hérauts et communication environnementale

¿Como tratar de medioambiente? ¿Se necesitan realmente a nuevos Héroes/heraldos ?

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Published on Friday, June 12, 2020


Does the earth need heroes and heralds to save it, to protect it? From exhibitions with evocative titles to the “small steps” of Nicolas Hulot who resigned as minister on 28 August 2018, on a French national radio station, we are constantly confronted with this crucial problem: how to communicate on the environmental crisis.


Participation is possible at a distance or in person.


Does the earth need heroes and heralds to save it, to protect it? From exhibitions with evocative titles to the “small steps” of Nicolas Hulot who resigned as minister on 28 August 2018, on a French national radio station, we are constantly confronted with this crucial problem: how to communicate on the environmental crisis.

This conference proposes to analyse the communication mechanisms and the facets of this desire for mobilisation carried by the heralds, professionals or not of communication and heroes, environmental heroes (Schneiter, 2018)1, ordinary heroes or environmental activists of a silent war. Anthropocene, “Zadists”, “care” advocates, anti-speciesists, eco-feminists, transhumanists, “collapsologists”... Our era is traversed by movements aiming at different, sometimes contradictory, types of change. The pre-Covid-19 period saw a relatively strong rise in ecological concerns, between climate change and the profession of faith in French municipal elections. This involved in particular part of the socalled “Z” generation. “Réinventer l’humanité”, headlined Le monde diplomatique in April 2020 (Pieiller, p. 12). But in this open public space, with multiple arenas that carry sometimes different environmental discourses, who emerges? Who represents? Who embodies?

The themes of communications

The communications could possibly deal with the following themes, or be transversal:

  • heroes’ stories: how heroic figures are constructed, the modalities of “glorification”, the discourse of martyrs (narratological dimension)
  • the trajectories of the “heroes/heralds”
  • Professionalization pathways
  • Heroes/heralds in strategic communication (NGOs, associations, companies, institutions, think tanks...
  • spontaneous mobilizations and the appearance of spokespersons
  • the criticisms and polemics
  • representation in the media, media cultures and cultural industries (cinema, TV series, novels, comics and cartoons, exhibitions etc.)

Terms and conditions of submission

Proposals for papers, in French, English or Spanish, will include:

  • First name, last name.
  • Titles and functions.
  • Home institutions (e.g., university, laboratory).
  • Author’s contact information (e-mail).

An abstract between 4000 and 5000 characters, taking care to justify the problem, the research methodology and a supporting bibliography.

A short biography of the author in the third person singular (max. 500 characters excluding spaces). Authors are requested to strictly adhere to APA bibliographic standards.

Abstracts of contributions to the conference are expected by the last week of September 2020. If the proposal is selected, the authors will be informed in late October/early November 2020. Proposals should be uploaded in *.doc or *.docx format on the following server: ger-cess-2020.sciencesconf.org.

As a precaution, we ask you to double your shipment to the GER coordinators: celine.pascual@univ-amu.fr; andrea.catellani@uclouvain.be.

Each proposal will be accompanied by a fully anonymised version

(check that the identity of the author does not appear in the metadata). An E-mail acknowledging receipt of the proposals will be sent.


  • Call for papers opening: 06.08.2020
  • Abstracts Deadlines: 10.31.2020

  • Communication acceptance: 11.15.2020

Scientific Committee

  • Nicole d’Almeida, Sorbonne Université, GRIPIC
  • Igor Babou, Université Paris Diderot, Ladyss
  • Françoise Bernard, Aix-Marseille Université, IMSIC
  • Laura Calabrese, ULB, Belgique, ReSIC
  • Dominique Carré, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, Labsic
  • Daphné Duvernay, Université de Toulon, IMSIC
  • Amaia Errecart, Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, Labsic
  • Olivier Galibert, Université de Bourgogne, Cimeos
  • Béatrice Jalenques Vigouroux, INSA Toulouse, LERASS et LASCO
  • Marc Lits, UCLouvain, Belgique, Centre de recherche en communication
  • Daniel Raichvarg, Université de Bourgogne, Cimeos
  • Yannick Rumpala, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, Ermes
  • Jonathon Schuldt, Associate Professor, Cornell University, USA, Department of Communication
  • Edwin Zaccai, ULB, Belgique, Centre d’Études du Développement Durable


Abram, D., 1997, The spell of the sensuous: Perception and language in a more-than-human world. New York: Vintage

Carré , « Une protestation environnementale entre événementiel et média alternatif », Terminal [En ligne], 103-104 | 2009, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2018, consulté le 27 avril 2020. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/ter- minal/2688 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/terminal.2688

Giaufret A., « L’ethos collectif des guerrilla gardeners à Montréal : entre conflictualité et inclusion », Argumentation et Analyse du Discours [En ligne], 14 | 2015, mis en ligne le 09 avril 2015, consulté le 05 mai URL : http://journals.openedition.org/aad/1978 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/ aad.1978

Lease, , 1995, Introduction: Nature under fire. In M.E. Soule & G. Lease (Eds.), Reinventing nature? Responses to postmodern deconstruction (pp. 3-16). Washington, DC: Island Press.

Milstein, (2007). Human communication’s effects on relationships with animals. In M. Bekoff (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human animal relationships: A glo- bal exploration of our connections with animals (3). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. 1044-1054

Raccah, Y. (2011). Racines lexicales de l’argumentation : la cristallisation des points de vue dans les mots. Verbum (Presses Universitaires de Nancy), 1(32), 119-141

Rojek, ,2012, Fame attack: the inflation of celebrity and its consequences. A&C Black.

Rosteck, , Frentz, T.S., 2009, Myth and multiple readings in environmental rhetorics: The case of an Inconvenient Truth. Quaterly Journal of Speech, 95(1), 1-19

Schneiter 2018, Les héros de l’environnement, Seuil. 23

Turner , 2016, Celebrities and the environment: the limits to their power, Environmental communication, Vol 10, n°6, 811-814

Turner, , Bonner, F., & Marshall, P. D., 2000, Fame games: The produc- tion of celebrity in Australia. Cambridge University Press.

Valladolid, , & Apffel-Marglin, F., 2001, Andean cosmovision and the nur- turing of biodiversity. In J.A. Grim (Ed.), Indigenous traditions and ecology: The interbeing of cosmology and community (pp. 639-670). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


  • Aix-en-Provence, France (13)


  • Saturday, October 31, 2020


  • communication, environnement, média, discours

Information source

  • Anne Gagnebien
    courriel : anne [dot] gagnebien [at] univ-tln [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« How to talk about the environment? Do we really need new heroes/heralds? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Friday, June 12, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/150f

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