HomeHoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology - thematic dossiers (2022)
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Published on Wednesday, December 02, 2020


HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter/Sciendo. HoST encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective. Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, science communication or the relation between science and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship. The editors of HoST are looking for proposals for two thematic dossiers to be published in 2022 (HoST volume 16, issues 1 and 2).



HoST - Journal of History of Science and Technology is an open access, on-line peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the History of Science and Technology, published in English by a group of Portuguese research institutions and De Gruyter/Sciendo. HoST encourages submissions of original historical research exploring the cultural, social and political dimensions of science, technology, and medicine (STM), both from a local and a global perspective.

Past thematic issues have dealt with topics as diverse as circulation, science communication or the relation between science and politics. Future issues might deal with both established and emerging areas of scholarship. The editors of HoST are looking for proposals for two thematic dossiers to be published in 2022 (HoST volume 16, issues 1 and 2). Each thematic dossier should be prepared by the guest editor(s) and include four research papers along with an introduction.  

Submission guidelines

Proposals should include the following items:

  1. An abstract describing the topic for the thematic dossier and its significance (500 words);
  2. A list of the contributors along with the titles and abstracts (300 words) of the four research papers;
  3. Brief CVs (300 words) of the guest editor(s) and authors; 

The guest editor(s) and the contributors must be prepared to meet HoST's publication schedule:

  • Abstract and titles submission: ​​​​​​​30 December 2020

  • Submission of complete research papers: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​30 July 2021 (Issue 1); 30 December 2021 (Issue 2)
  •  Publication: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​June 2022 (Issue 1); December 2022 (Issue 2)

Proposals will be subject to approval by the Editorial Board and the outcome will be known to the authors by January 2021.  Submissions should be sent as an e-mail attachment (preferably in one single .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt file), to the chief-editor: chiefeditor(at)johost(dot)eu. 

Advisory Board

  • Ricardo Costa Agarez, CIDEHUS, University of Évora, Portugal
  • Isabel Amaral, CIUHCT, NOVA-New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Elanie Ayers, New York University, USA
  • Leoncio López-Ocón Cabrera, Institute of History, CCHS-CSIC, Spain
  • Lino Camprubi, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • Ana Carneiro, CIUHCT, NOVA-New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Luís Miguel Carolino, CIES, ISCTE – IUL, Portugal
  • Antónia Fialho Conde, CIDEHUS, University of Évora, Portugal
  • Marcos Cueto, Casa Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Brazil
  • Maria Paula Diogo, CIUHCT, NOVA-New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Boris Jardine, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Henrique Leitão, CIUHCT, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Maria Margaret Lopes, University of Campinas, Brazil
  • Quintino Lopes, IHC-FCSH-UNL, Universidade de Évora, Portugal
  • Marta Macedo, ICS, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Isabel Malaquias, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
  • Antoni Malet, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
  • Minakshi Menon, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany
  • Staffan Müller-Wille, University of Cambridge, UK
  • Maria de Fátima Nunes, IHC, CEHFCi, University of Évora, Portugal
  • María A. Portuondo, The Johns Hopkins University, USA
  • Ana Duarte Rodrigues, CIUHCT, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ricardo Roque, ICS, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Tiago Saraiva, Drexel University, USA
  • Ana Simões, CIUHCT, University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Luísa Sousa, CIUHCT, NOVA-New University of Lisbon, Portugal
  • Ignacio Suay-Matallana, Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero-Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain
  • Matteo Valleriani, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Germany; Technische Universität, Berlin; University of Tel Aviv, Israel


  • Wednesday, December 30, 2020


  • history, science, technology, medicine

Information source

  • Cristina LUÍS
    courriel : cmluis [at] fc [dot] ul [dot] pt


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To cite this announcement

« HoST – Journal of History of Science and Technology - thematic dossiers (2022) », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, December 02, 2020, https://doi.org/10.58079/15n1

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