HomeArts of Educating

HomeArts of Educating

Arts of Educating

Arts de l’éducation

Artes de Educar

Artes de Educar

The Emergence and Construction of the Modern Schooling Paradigm (Mid-20th Century – First quarter of the 20th Century)

émergence et édification du paradigme de l'école moderne (milieu du XVIIIe siècle – premier quart du XXe siècle)

Surgimiento y Construcción del Paradigma de la Escuela Moderna (mediados del siglo XVIII - primera cuarto del siglo XX)

Emergência e Edificação do Paradigma Escolar Moderno (Meados do Século XVIII - Primeiro quartel do Século XX)

*  *  *

Published on Monday, March 22, 2021


This issue seeks to map a wide range of public institutions, pioneering experiences and innovative pedagogic discourses that informed and consolidated an explicit educational impulse at the tail end of the Early Modern Period. This issue of Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal seeks to contribute with its specific inquiries to an understanding of a wide-ranging civilizational endeavour that has never ceased to connect – in increasingly efficient and substantial ways – the spheres of power and knowledge.


Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal Number 18


This issue seeks to map a wide range of public institutions, pioneering experiences and innovative pedagogic discourses that informed and consolidated an explicit educational impulse at the tail end of the Early Modern Period. In Portugal, where this intent is entangled with the reinforcement of the State, the historical roots of the modern schooling paradigm can be traced back to the expulsion of the Jesuits and the effects of the Great Lisbon Earthquake, whose impact and influence extended across the Western world.

On the one hand, the goal is to highlight diagnoses, instruments and solutions that contributed to making education a secular domain to be safeguarded, coordinated, and regulated by national governments. The modern school model imposed the standardization and unification of curricula, methods and teaching activities through several institutions that, for the first time, began operating as a network from the elementary level onward. While encompassing a wide diversity of educational institutions, this model was integrated and organized into degrees and levels, with curricular plans that have gradually extended to a variety of contents and disciplines. This would mark a momentous shift from instruction to education.

On the other hand, this issue aims to emphasize the educational field’s increasing permeability to a wide array of scientific expertise. For these specialists, education and pedagogy became privileged areas of analysis and intervention, enabling the delimitation and normalization of a new social category, the school subject. By this means, and on behalf of the integral education of students, an unprecedented and simultaneous disciplinary investment in the potentialities of intelligence, the body and individual sensitivity was thus legitimized. The fabrication of a type of active, enterprising, and self-disciplined citizen required not only that student knowledge, behaviour and desires become mutually compatible, but also – and primarily – fully aligned with the interests of the modern State.

This issue of Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal seeks to contribute with its specific inquiries to an understanding of a wide-ranging civilizational endeavour that has never ceased to connect – in increasingly efficient and substantial ways – the spheres of power and knowledge.

Thematic guidelines

  • The first state reforms in education.
  • Reform and unified integration of teaching programs and methods.
  • The advent of primary and secondary schools, conservatories, and universities.
  • Theories on the art of educating and pedagogical science. Medical and psycho-pedagogical expertise.
  • The family circle and the school sphere. Compulsory education. Transforming the child into school subject. Integral education.
  • On the margins – women’s education, aristocratic education, reeducating the dangerous child.
  • New buildings, furniture, and school equipment. Architecture, hygiene, pedagogy, and power.
  • New territories. Arts education. Childhood education.
  • School culture and the nationalization of historical and cultural heritage.

Guidelines to Authors

Papers must be original and any texts from other sources must be properly referenced.

Full copies of doctoral thesis or master dissertations chapters, by the authors themselves or by third parties, will not be accepted for publication, in which case the submitted article will be rejected.


  • Authors must indicate the section to which the proposal is addressed: Thematic Dossier, Articles, Varia or Book Reviews.
  • After submission, the Editorial Board confirms the reception within a week.

Guidelines For Articles

  • Format

Only texts in Word format will be accepted through the pre-formatted template (download here: http://arquivomunicipal.cm-lisboa.pt/fotos/editor2/Cadernos/2serie/templates_2020.docx ) sent to: am.cadernos@cm-lisboa.pt

  • Size

The Word file is limited to 9000 words, considering titles, abstracts, keywords, text, footnotes, sources and bibliography, among others.

  • Languages

Portuguese (with the new orthographic agreement), Spanish, French or English.

  • Title, abstract and keywords
    • In the language of the text, in English and Portuguese.
    • Abstract with a maximum of 150 words.
    • Up to 5 keywords, which characterize the content of the article.
  • Authors

Full name without abbreviations, institutional framework and email address.

Deadline for submission: 31/12/2021

For additional information, consult the Instructions to Authors at:


Papers will be submitted to a double-blind peer review, conducted by members of an external evaluation committee.

For further information, please contact am.cadernos@cm-lisboa.pt

Scientific Coordination

  • Jorge Ramos do Ó (IE-ULisboa)
  • Carlota Boto (FE-USP)


  • Friday, December 31, 2021

Attached files


  • Marta Gomes
    courriel : marta [dot] gomes [at] cm-lisboa [dot] pt

Information source

  • Marta Gomes
    courriel : marta [dot] gomes [at] cm-lisboa [dot] pt


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Arts of Educating », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, March 22, 2021, https://doi.org/10.58079/169f

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