Space and the hospital
Thirteenth International network for the history of hospitals
Published on Monday, May 17, 2021
The 13th International network for the history of hospitals conference will explore the relationship between space and hospital. Space, in both its physical and conceptual manifestations, has been a part of how hospitals were designed, built, used, and understood within the wider community. By focusing on space, this conference aims to explore this subject through the lens of its architectural, socio-cultural, medical, economic, charitable, ideological, and public conceptualisations.
The 13th International network for the history of hospitals conference will explore the relationship between space and hospital. Space, in both its physical and conceptual manifestations, has been a part of how hospitals were designed, built, used, and understood within the wider community. By focusing on space, this conference aims to explore this subject through the lens of its architectural, socio-cultural, medical, economic, charitable, ideological, and public conceptualisations.
This online symposium will bring together academics from a range of disciplines to present case studies from across the globe to explore the relationship between space and hospitals throughout history by examining it through the lens of five themes: (1) ritual, space, and architecture; (2) hospitals as 'model' spaces; (3) the impact of medical practice and theory on space; (4) hospitality and social space; (5) sponsorship.
This virtual conference is sponsored CHAM, NOVA FCSH; ARTIS - Instituto de História da Arte, FLUL; IECCPMA - Instituto Europeu de Ciências da Cultura Padre Manuel Antunes; and CML - Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.
In partnership with research projects: Hospitalis: Hospital Architecture in Portugal at the Dawn of Modernity (PTDC/ART-HIS/30808/2017) and All Saints Royal Hospital: city and public health (CML; CHAM, NOVA FCSH).
13 th Conference. International Network for the History of Hospitals, Lisbon, 26-28 May 2021
26 may
Opening Session 8:10-9:00
Session I | 9:00-11:00 Hospitals as Gendered Space
Chair: Jane Stevens-Crawshaw | Oxford Brookes University
- Francesca Ferrando |Università degli studi di Verona "Protection or segregation? Gender and spaces in the Genoese hospitals of Early Modern Age"
- Radhika Hegde |St John's Medical College "A 'veiled' life: The Gosha Hospital in Bangalore"
- Divya Rama Gopalakrishnan | University of Melbourne "Spaces of Confinement and Refuge: Lock Hospitals and Female Resistance in Madras India in the Late Nineteenth Century"
- Ashok Kumar Mocherla | Indian Institute of Technology Indore "Hospital and Hospitality as Contested Social Spaces: A Social History of the American Evangelical Lutheran Mission Hospital for Women and Children in Guntur, India (1880-1930)"
Break | 11:00-11:15
Session 2 | 11:15-11:15 Theory and Memory in Asylums
Chair: Elisabetta Girotto | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
- Adelina Cardoso | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, "Gardens as a therapeutic means in the treatment of mental illness"
- Monika Ankele | Medizinische Universität Wien, "Becoming a 'good' hospital? Spatial configurations in mental asylums in Germany around 1900"
- Yasmin Shafei | American University of Beirut, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Space and Constructions of Madness in Turn-of-the-Century Egypt"
- Paula Femenias | Chalmers University of Technology, Elisabeth Punzi | University of Gothenburg, (Presenter) and Nika Soderlund | University of Gothenburg, "Psychiatrie Hospitals in Transition: The Remembered and the Forgotten"
Break | 13:15-13:30
Poster Session l 13:30-14:30*
Lunch 14:30 - 15:30
Session 3 | 15:30-17:30 Deathcare and Religion in Hospitals
Chair: Elma Brenner | Wellcome Library
- Marta Ataide | Independent Researcher, "Poverty, pilgrimage and healing - Our Lady of Light Hospital at the beginning of the 17th century"
- André Bargao | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Silvia Casimiro | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Rodrigo Banha da Silva | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Sara da Cruz Ferreira | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa "To Mould, To Walk, To Grief: An Archaeological approach to the Royal Hospital of All-Saints, Lisbon"
- Susana Henrique | EON-Industrias Criativas, Liliana Matias de Carvalho | Universidade de Coimbra, Carlos Alves | EON-IndustriasCriativas and Sofia N. Wasterlain | Universidade de Coimbra "The times they are a-changin': two centuries of spatial management in The Military Hospital of the Castle of Sao Jorge (16th-18th centuries Lisbon)"
- Robert Piggott | University of Huddersfield "Religion and State Medicine in Twentieth Century England: The Place and Space of the Hospital Chapel"
Break | 17:30-17:45
Session 4 | 17:45-19:45 Hospitals in Cities: Revitalising and Shaping Urban Environments
Chair: Sarah Lennard-Brown | Birkbeck College University of London
- Ana Claudia Silveira | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa "The Hospitality Network in Setubal during the Late Middle Ages: shaping an urban landscape in a Portuguese town"
- Alfred Stefan Weiss | University of Salzburg and Elisabeth Lobenwein | Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt "Early Modern Times Hospitals as Sensory Places? The Example of Austria and Southern Germany"
- Joseph Curran | Maynooth University "A Permanent Monument to the Catholics of Dublin': The Mater Misericordire Hospital and the creation of confidence in a post-Fam ine city"
- Magnus Altschafl | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitiit "The San Francisco General Hospital - A Symbol for a Modern City"
27 may
Session 5 l 8:30-10:30 Transforming Spaces through Medical Theory
Chair: Joana Balsa de Pinho | Universidade de Lisboa
- Somreeta Majumdar | Visva-Bharati University "Buddhist Monastery, Medicine and the Body Politic: A Historical Study of the Healing Service of the Buddhist Monasteries of Eastern India with Special Reference to the Nandadirghi Vihara of Jagjivanpur"
- Adélia M. Caldas Carreira | Universidade NOVA de Lisboa "The Royal Hospital of Saint Joseph in Lisbon"
- Li Yanchang | Peking University "Nationalization Of Modern Medical Space and the Founding of the Peking Central Hospital"
- Johanna Rustler | University of Aberdeen "Treatment on Rails: Britain's Hospital Trains in the First World War"
Break | 10:30-10:45
Session 6 | 10:45-12:45 Hospitals in the Cold War
Chair: Paulo Drumond Braga | Universidade de Lisboa
- Andreas Jüttemann | Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin "The West Berlin University Hospital Steglitz as a political issue -The realisation of a (supposed) US hospital culture in the context of the student movement (1957-1974)"
- Ed DeVane | University of Warwick "How | Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the NHS: Operational Research, Think Tanks, and Changing Models of British Hospital Care in the Cold War, 1964-72"
- David Freis | Universitat Münster "The Rise and Fall of the Medical Megastructure: Hospitals of the Future in Cold-War Western Germany"
- Eleni Axioti | University of the Arts London "Corpus: The architecture of British hospitals in the 1960s and the politics of observability"
Break | 12:45-13:00
Poster Session | 13:00-14:00*
Lunch | 14:00-15:00
Session 7 | 15:00-16:00 Colonial and Indigenous Models
Chair: Raul Villagrasa Elias | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científica
- Michaela Clark | University of Manchester "Designing the Clinic: Racialised Architecture and the Old Groote Schuur Hospital"
- Antonio Coello Rodriguez | Universidad Privada del Norte "Lima hospitals uses, fonctions and changes during the viceroyalty"/ "Hospitales limeiios usos, funciones y cambios durante el virreinato"
- Ling-yi Tsai | National Yang-Ming University "Taiwanese Hospitals: Plague Quarantine Hospitals Using Han medicine in Early Colonial Taiwan"
Break | 16:30 - 16:45
Sessions 8 | 16:45-18:45 Hospitals as Social Spaces
Chair: Fritz Dross | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Elena Paulino Montero | Universidad Nacional Autônoma de Madrid, Marta Visreda Bravo | Universidad Nacional Autônoma de México and Raul Villagrasa Elias Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient[ficas "Spatial Dimensions of the Holy Cross Hospital in Medina de Pomar: A Unique Case in Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberia"
- Zehra Tonbul | Istanbul Sehir University "Hospitals as Socio-Political Spaces: Mapping Hospitals in Late Ottoman Empire"
- Narciss M. Sohrabi | Université Paris Ouest "Reflection of Socio-Cultural Challenges on the Hospitals and Medical Spaces in Iran"
- Ronja Tripp-Bodola | Louisiana State University, Health Sciences Center New Orleans "In Charity Hospital's Shadow: Catholicism, Race and New Orleans Public Health"
28 may
Session 9 l 9:00-10:00 Spaces of Knowledge and Healing
Chair: Anna M. Peterson | Universidad de Cantabria /Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes
- Mats Dijkdrent | University of Cambridge "Healing through Space: Plague and Mental Health Institutions in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries"
- Christine Beese | Freie Universitat Berlin "Knowledge-making between Arts and Science. The Integration of Anatomical Theaters into Hospital Architecture in Modena, Frankfort and Paris in the 18th Century"
- Manuel Antônio Pereira Couto | Universidade de Porto "The origin of Vila Real hospital: hygienist's guidelines and architecture for a modern assistance practice (1796-1844)"
Break | 10:30-10:45
Session 10 | 10:45-12:45 The Medical and Cultural Heritage of Hospitals
Chair: John Henderson | Birkbeck, University of London
- Valeria Rubbi | Università di Bologna "Hospital Spaces and Architectures in Bologna in the Modern Age"
- Elena Corradini | Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia "The Great 18th century Hospital in the complex of Sant"Agostino in Modena. For a compatible and sustainable reuse project"
- Yeidy Luz Rosa Ortiz | Durham University "Use of Space and Non -Combative Populations of the Antiguo Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Concepción, El Grande, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1774-1886"
- José Carlos D. R. Avelãs Nunes | Universidade de Lisboa "The architecture of the New Lisbon Lazaretto (1860-1910). Modelling controversial confinement in space and time"
Break: 12:45-13:00
Session 11| 13:00-14:30 Read between the Lines: Hospitals in Text
Chair: André Silva | Universidade do Porto
- Elise Brault-Dreux | University of Valenciennes "Poeticizing the experience of the space in hospital"
- Marie Allitt | University of Oxford "Scaling the Hospital: Imagining and Mapping Clinical Space"
- Jessica Campbell | University of Edinburgh "Open Doors and Flattened Hierarchies: Exploring the Boundaries of Space and Identity in Dingleton Hospital's Therapeutic Community from c. 1963"
Lunch | 14:30-15:30
Session 12 | 15:30-17:00 The Politics of Modernisation
Chair: Elena Paulina Montera | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
- Barry Doyle | University of Huddersfield "The Shape of Things to Come? The politics of planning new hospitals in inter war Europe"
- Cansu Degirmencioglu | Technical University of Munich "The Foundation and Development of Heybeliada Sanatorium and the Modernization of Turkey (1924-1955)"
- Hongdeng Gao | Columbia University "Medical Governance Contest over Gouverneur Hospital: Health Activism in New York City's Lower East Side, 1956-1972"
Break | 17:00-17:15
Session 13 | 17:15-18:45 Maternity
Chair: Kathleen Vongsathorn | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Fitz Dross | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg "Gendered Medicalised Spaces - Inside and Outside Hospitals in early 20th century Germany''
- Kathleen Pierce | Smith College "New Spaces for a New Midwifery at the Lying-In Hospital of the City of New York"
- Elzbieta Kassner | Leibniz Universität Hannover "Between home and hospital: Maternity wards in post-war Poland 1945-1970"
Closing Remarks | 18:45-19:00
- Anna Maria Ester Condins | Universitat de Barcelona, "Santa Creu Hospital of Vic (Catalonia): a medieval hospital in a modern city"
- Mariangela Carlessi | Politecnico di Milano and Alessandra Kluzer | Politecnico di Milano, "The Ospedale Maggiore of Milan as a 'working machine'. Functions, spaces and architecture through the centuries"
- Carmina Montezuma and João Castela Oliveira | Museu São João de Deus Psiquiatria e História, "The Order of St. John of God and hospital care in Lisbon"
- Rute Ramas | Universidade de Évora, "Power, prestige and royal intervention at All Saints Hospital"
- Chiara Mascardi | THESA - Theater Science Anatomy and Chiara Ianeselli | IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca, "Anatomical theatres inside/outside the cities: bodies between the universities and the hospitals in Italy"
- Mayumi Iltsuka | architectural firm IMMUNORIUM, "How were health and social activities balanced in a hospital's built environment? - in the case of four centuries' transformation of the former Saint -Vincent-de -Paul Hospital in Paris"
- Isadora Monteiro | Universidade de Lisboa, "Os novos hospitais de Lisboa' Presenting in Portuguese"
- Viviane Trindade Borges | Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, "Miguel Bombarda Hospital: notes on an unfinished debate"
- Donatella Lippi | Università degli Studi di Firenze and Manila Soffici | Università degli Studi di Firenze, "Space and law in the Hospital of S. Maria Nuova (Florence, 1288)"
- Alicia Campos Gajardo | Universidad de Chile, "Old San José Hospital, Santiago, Chile"
- Josep Barcelô-Prats and Josep M. Camelles | Universitat Ravirai Virgili, "The introduction of the architectural project of the moral asylum in Spain, The case of the 'Manicomio del Hospital de la Santa Cruz' (Barcelona, 1835-1860 )"
- Renato da Gama-Rosa Costa | Universidade Federaldo RiodeJaneiro and Inès El-Jaick Andrade I Universidade de Sào Paulo, "A new Project to Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Rio de Janeiro (1840-1865): Hygiene and rationality"
- Olga Susana Costa Coito e Araujo Institution | University of Campinas State Stage and Patricia Sammarco Rosa | Instituto Laura de Souza Lima, "Cultural heritage of ILSL - Lauro de Souza Lima Institute: a case study of a former Ieper colony of compulsory isolation, today Research Institute"
Other informations
If you have any questions, please contact space.inhh@gm
Joana Balsa de Pinho
- History (Main category)
- Lisbon, Portugal
- Wednesday, May 26, 2021
- Thursday, May 27, 2021
- Friday, May 28, 2021
Attached files
- history, hospitals, ritual, space, and architecture, medical practice
- ARTIS Institute of Art History
courriel : artis [at] letras [dot] ulisboa [dot] pt
Reference Urls
Information source
- ARTIS Institute of Art History
courriel : artis [at] letras [dot] ulisboa [dot] pt
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To cite this announcement
« Space and the hospital », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Monday, May 17, 2021,