Cultural and market mediations: dangerous digital liaisons?
Médiations culturelles et marchandes : des liaisons numériques dangereuses ?
Published on Thursday, September 16, 2021
The continuous diffusion of digital technology leads to new cultural and market mediations through new media to capture and enhance the attention of the public (Citton, 2014). In the perspective of exploratory conventions, and innovations, the axes developed here intend to think about the novel forms, which guide the concordances as oppositions between the designers, the actors and the receivers of these digital projections. This call for paper is dedicated to understanding and developing interdisciplinary cultural and market mediations approaches. It aims at understanding their dangerous digital liaisons through online advertising and ethics, through the prism of communication and marketing dangerous digital creation, and dangerous digital staging of the territory.
The continuous diffusion of digital technology leads to new cultural and market mediations through new media to capture and enhance the attention of the public (Citton, 2014). In the perspective of exploratory conventions, and innovations, the axes developed here intend to think about the novel forms, which guide the concordances as oppositions between the designers, the actors and the receivers of these digital projections.
This call for paper is dedicated to understanding and developing interdisciplinary cultural and market mediations approaches. It aims at understanding their dangerous digital liaisons through online advertising and ethics (Axis1), through the prism of communication and marketing dangerous digital creation (Axis 2), and dangerous digital staging of the territory (Axing 3).
Topic proposals
Axis 1: online advertising and ethics
This axis proposes to broaden the reflection around the act of advertising in a context of innovative cultural and market mediation. It also offers authors to reflect on the dangerous issues identified by the interpenetrations between advertising and the media through the digital prism. In this sense, the concepts of depublicitarization and publicitarization constitute a solid theoretical basis for thinking about cultural and market mediations.
Axis 2: Communication and marketing through the prism of digital creation
It seems useful to reflect on all the players in this digital and innovative context in communication and marketing. Recently, a new form of digital media, called biodigitals, have taken place within the commercial world. These virtual beings often have a human appearance, but “also juggle between human visual communication (human beings and/or animals)” (Jauffret and Landaverde, 2018, p. 94). This axis, then, proposes to enrich the reflection around their dangerous digital liaison. Also, billions of data are collected by digital connections and the resources that flow from them. This global network of interconnected objects- the Internet of Things (IoT) - and information is revealed, if not universal, at least in the majority in the world of dominant economic territories. It is useful at this point in socio-economic history to provide for discussions addressing these hypothetical dangerous digital links.
Axis 3: Digital staging of the territory
The digitization of everyday life in the digital society changes human-technology interactions. In addition, the current health crisis of Covid accelerates this profound change. The individual provided with an organized and productive activity must accept the transformation of her intimate space into a digital public space to meet professional obligations. The subject must stage her professional life as an actor during a theatrical performance. This symbolism of the metamorphosis of the intimate can, in particular, be used to question this new contemporary form of commercial and cultural mediation. This axis also questions the objectives, particularly mercantile ones, which could also undermine the respect and rights of artists, their works and compensate for their safeguard.
The themes, reflections and issues considered in these axes are not exhaustive and may consider other fields of possibilities, particularly in the field of digital/digital humanities, creation and innovation and other subjects of critical reflection, innovation, intrepid and daring. We invite submissions based on dangerous cultural and market mediation that include, but are not limited to :
- Recent dangerous form of advertising
- Publicitarization and depublicitarization
- Journalism and advertising: dangerous digital liaisons
- Market mediation emerging dangerous practices
- Transformation of cultural mediation
- Cultural mediation of virtual and/or biodigital characters
- Digital sobriety
- Critical forms of digital exploitation
- Metamorphosis of the intimate
Submission guidelines
Summary of contributions (abstracts between 350 and 400 words, Times New Roman, in English or French) should be sent to and to and to French Journal for Media Research : before October 15, 2021.
This issue is part of the international conference, which will take place in Lyon (France) between 20th and 22nd December 2021. As such, all the communicators of the special interest group 6 (SIG) of the DIF 2021 conference Digital, Innovation Entrepreneurship, and Financing are invited to submit a proposal.
Secondly, this same call is open to all authors wishing to include their research subject in this same theme, which is included in the special journal of the French Journal for Media Research (2022) entitled “Cultural and market mediations: dangerous liaisons?”.
All proposals are subject to double-blind review.
Important deadlines
- October 15, 2021 (new deadline) : deadline for abstracts (between 350 and 400 words). Times New Roman. In English or French.
- November 15, 2021 : double-blind review
- December 20 to 22, 2021 : conference in Lyon (INSEECU. Lyon Campus) “DFI 2021- Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing”. Face-to-face or online presentation. SIG 6: Cultural and market mediations: dangerous digital links?
- January 15, 2022 : deadline for submission - first versions in French or English
- March 15, 2022 : recommendations to authors
- April 15, 2022 : deadline for full-text submission in English or French
- May-June 2022 : publication
SIG Chairs
- Aubrun Frédéric, Inseec-U (FR)
- Jauffret Marie-Nathalie, International University of Monaco (MC) Inseec-U.
- Economics (Main category)
- Mind and language > Information > Information sciences
- Society > Economics > Management
- Friday, October 15, 2021
Attached files
- advertising, digital, journalism, marketing
- Frédéric Aubrun
courriel : faubrun [at] inseec [dot] com
Reference Urls
Information source
- Frédéric Aubrun
courriel : faubrun [at] inseec [dot] com
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« Cultural and market mediations: dangerous digital liaisons? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Thursday, September 16, 2021,