HomePrinciples and actions for second language training, in migratory and pandemic contexts

Principles and actions for second language training, in migratory and pandemic contexts

Principes et actions de formation en langues secondes, en contextes migratoire et pandémique

Principi e azioni di formazione in lingue seconde, in contesto migratorio e pandemico

*  *  *

Published on Monday, December 13, 2021


This call for papers follows on the colloquium held in Metz in September 2018 and is based on the various measures put in place to welcome migrants through language training. As the context in which we work has evolved, our thinking and actions now take into account the health crisis, which has multiplied the fragilities and vulnerabilities that had increased by the turn of the century with globalization, and even more so, the migration flow, which involved and still involve the responsibility of host societies. As for the new fragilities and vulnerabilities that have emerged in the pandemic context, they concern in particular the freedom of mobility, access to online courses, and the impacts of social distancing.



This call for papers follows on the colloquium held in Metz in September 2018 (the proceedings of which were published in Repères Dorif No. 191) and is based on the various measures put in place to welcome migrants through language training2. As the context in which we work has evolved, our thinking and actions now take into account the health crisis, which has multiplied the fragilities and vulnerabilities that had increased by the turn of the century with globalization, and even more so, the migration flow, which involved and still involve the responsibility of host societies (Gardou, 2006, 2012 ; Pinotti, 2006). As for the new fragilities and vulnerabilities that have emerged in the pandemic context, they concern in particular the freedom of mobility, access to online courses, and the impacts of social distancing.

In regards to these issues, language sciences have a special role to play among the human and social disciplines, in order to consider and act on the ways and means of carrying out, if not a policy, then at least language teaching/learning arrangements which, in this particular situation, guarantee social cohesion and facilitate the reception of newly arrived migrants, both young and adult; thus, in the wake of the persistent pandemic, the notion of "Emergency Linguistics" has recently emerged (cf. Piller et al, 2020; Civico, 2021; Dreisbach & Mendoza-Dreisbach, 2021), which broadens the issues and challenges of second language training.

At the crossroads of these political, social, educational and linguistic issues raised by the language-culture training in migratory and pandemic contexts, we first of all invite speakers to question themselves on the hypothesis according to which "language is the main source of knowledge of the other". (European Charter for Plurilingualism - Preamble, November 2005, p. 3), a hypothesis that still drives linguistic and didactic thinking today (cf. Adami 2017 and more generally Maurer & Prieur dir. 2017). We then invite them, in the background, to look at the notion of representations (Havelange et al. 2003), and to treat it in terms of categories, categorization, stereotypes, stereotypy ... (Kleiber, 1999; Paveau, 2006) , in order to give a linguistic basis to our exchanges, or to preserve it, within the framework of action-research in the didactics of languages-cultures.

In terms of practices, we will thus consider the measures or projects that relate to the notion of intercultural, and, which aim or highlight the (re-) discovery, in other words the (re-) cognition and the visibility of the other (Honneth, 2000; 2020; Ricoeur, 2004). In this regard, Remotti (2010; 2019) has pointed out that it is difficult to limit oneself to a fixed definition of identity, especially national identity; Jullien (2016), for his part, proposes replacing the notion of cultural identity with that of cultural resource. Such a perspective would also seem important insofar as recognition experiences intervene or would intervene as resources (psychological, cognitive, emotional...) in learning processes in general, and language learning in particular.

This perspective would also make it possible to consider experiences of mutual recognition from the point of view of an active appropriation of the surrounding world, in other words, of the host societies, and to resituate didactic processes at the heart of social life, i.e. at the very place where social needs make sense, a "common sense" (to quote Larsson 2008, following Kleiber 1997, who thus give a linguistic turn to intersubjectivity).

Consequently, the social and human issues of language-culture didactics seen as dynamic processes implemented as situational resources in the course of learning should allow us to renew didactic practices. If it is true, following Axel Honneth or Paul Ricœur, that recognition only becomes effective in action and interaction, we must then define frameworks and measures in which the acquisition/appropriation of competences, particularly plurilingual and cultural, but also social and technical, develop through reciprocal influences between the individual and his or her environment (Brassac, 2010; Varela et al., 1993).

The activities, developed on the basis of recognition, would thus enhance the languages already mastered by the learners. This approach would facilitate the use of plurilingual skills in educational situations within a community. Mutual recognition would therefore highlight the importance of these skills for individual development: it would help to train future citizens who are linguistically and socially adapted to the post-pandemic world.

In this context, young researchers are invited to submit a paper in line with the following themes;

  1. How has the pandemic context changed the principles/practices of language training for migrants or increased the difficulties associated with these practices (reduction or prohibition of mobility, access to online courses, impact of social distancing)?
  2. Does the pandemic context represent a factor of autonomy for the migrant public or a threat to/obstacle to their "integration" into the host society?
  3. To what extent are creative approaches (e.g. project-based pedagogy, creative pedagogy in workshops) responses to problems/difficulties encountered in the field...?
  4. How do the learning experiences highlight the importance of recognition between subjects in the classroom?
  5. What specific measures have been or need to be put in place to facilitate learning of a foreign language in a migratory context?
  6. Would distance learning be a solution or a risk for migrant audiences in a pandemic context?
  7. The effects of the pandemic on a vulnerable public: what can we say in relation to the migrant public?
  8. Is there a relationship between second language didactics and "emergency linguistics"?
  9. How can we make our learners visible and recognizable once they have mastered the language?
  10. How can  we  make  visible,  recognizable,  the  participation  of  allophonelearners in social life?

Informations pratiques

  • Dates of the colloquium : 22-23 September 2022
  • Venue: University of Lorraine, Saulcy Campus in Metz
  • Modality for participation: In person and online (depending on the sanitary situation regarding the pandemic)
  • Languages of the conference: French, Italian and English.
  • Registration fee: 65 euros (in person) or 35 euros (online)
  • Payment method: on site or by online transfer

Call schedule and selection procedure

  • Opening date of the call for papers: 04 December 2021
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 1 March 2022

  • Date of notification of acceptance or rejection: 31 March (1st evaluation) and 31 May (if 2nd evaluation) 2022
  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: 1 July 2022
  • Programme dissemination date: 15 July 2022

How to submit a proposal

Doctoral students and young researchers (who have defended their thesis after September 1, 2018) are invited to submit a proposal for a twenty-minute presentation (followed by a ten-minute discussion). The proposals will contain on the first page, the name of the author(s) and the name of his/her institutional affiliation, his/her email address, the title, a biographical note (five lines max.) and the topic of the thesis defended (date, place, title, jury). All these will be followed, on another page, by an abstract which will not mention the name of the author and will be accompanied by a few bibliographical references (on the same page). The proposal papers must be written in the language intended for the communication. In order to ensure a better understanding by all the participants, PowerPoint presentations must be written in a different language than the one intended for the oral presentation. Papers should not exceed 500 words (bibliography included).

Each proposal will be evaluated in a double-blind manner by members of the scientific committee of the conference. The selection criteria will include the quality of the content, the thematic relevance and the originality of the proposal.

Proposals should be sent to: migractionsl2metz2022@pe.me

Selected papers from the presentations will be published and the selection will follow the same evaluation procedure. The call and timetable for the publication of the proceedings will be announced at the close of the conference.

Date of publication of the proceedings: planned publication.


Doctoral research group on French and Italian as second languages (GRD_FILS), Praxitexte team from CREM EA3476; in collaboration with: the Association of young researchers Crem EA3476, University of Lorraine.

Committee officials

Ahmmad Abohaltam, Claudia Farini, Aurora Fragonara

Committee members

Sarah Abid, Stella Anne Achieng, Sakina El Khattabi, Junkai Li, Omar Kaced, Tarek Seifelnaser, under the direction of Guy Achard-Bayle, Professor Emeritus of the University of Lorraine, CREM-Praxitexte EA3476.

Contact : migractionsl2metz2022@pe.me

Scientific commitee

  • ABID Nadia, Université de Sfax
  • AUGER Nathalie, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3
  • ARAÚJO E SÁ Maria Helena, Université d’Aveiro
  • CASTELLOTI Véronique, Université de Tours
  • DEFAYS Jean-Marc, Université de Liège
  • GALAZZI Enrica, Université catholique de Milan
  • GONZALEZ REY Maria Isabel, Université de Saint Jacques de Compostelle JERÓNIMO Patrícia, Université du Minho LAMPROU Effrosyni, Université de Poitiers
  • MACAIRE Dominique, Université de Lorraine
  • MINUZ Fernanda, Université Johns Hopkins à Bologne
  • OLLIVIER Christian, Université de la Réunion
  • PUREN Christian, Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne
  • ROCCA Lorenzo, Società Dante Alighieri di Roma, expert linguistique du Conseil d’Europe. VALETOPOULOS Freiderikos, Université de Poitier
  • VIGNER Gérard, Inspecteur d’académie – Inspecteur pédagogique régional de Lettres – Ministère de l’Éducation nationale
  • WANG Zhan, Université de Wuhan

Cited works

ADAMI Hervé, 2017, Politiques linguistiques et politiques d’intégration en Europe : analyse des fondements idéologiques, Revue TDFLE 70, pages 1-33. https://doi.org/10.34745/numerev_1266.

BRASSAC Claude, 2010, La cognition comme produit de l’interaction sociale. Un point de vue pragmatiste, Intellectica 53-54, pages 311-329.

CIVICO Marco, 2021, Covid-19 and language barriers, Ulster University Working Papers 21-4, 1-24. https://www.ulster.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/931492/REAL21-4.pdf.

DREISBACH Jeconiah Louis et MENDOZA-DREISBACH Sharon, 2021, Unity in Adversity: Multilingual Crisis Translation and Emergency Linguistics in the COVID-19 Pandemic, The Open Public Health Journal 14-1, pages 94-97. https://openpublichealthjournal.com/contents/volumes/V14/TOPHJ-14-94/TOPHJ-14-94.pdf.

GARDOU Charles, 2006, Fragments sur le handicap et la vulnérabilité : pour une révolution de la pensée et de l’action, Toulouse, ERES.

GARDOU Charles, 2012, La société inclusive, parlons-en : il n’y a pas de vie minuscule, Toulouse, ERES.

HAVELANGE Véronique, LENAY Charles et STEWART John 2003, Les représentations : mémoire externe et objets techniques, Intellectica 35, pages 115-131.

HONNETH Axel, 2000, La lutte pour la reconnaissance [Kampf um Anerkennung 1992], Pa-ris, Les éditions du Cerf (repris en 2013, Paris, Gallimard, coll. Folio-Essais).

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JULLIEN François, 2016, Il n’y a pas d’identité culturelle, Paris, L’Herne.

LARSSON Björn, 2008, Le sens commun ou la sémantique comme science de l’intersubjectivité humaine, Langages 170, pages 28-40. https://www.cairn.info/revue-langages-2008-2-page-28.htm.

KLEIBER Georges, 1997, Sens, référence et existence : que faire de l’extra-linguistique ? Langages 127, pages 9-37. https://www.persee.fr/doc/lgge_0458-726x_1997_num_31_127_2123.

KLEIBER Georges, 1999 [1990], La sémantique du prototype, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France. Observatoire Européen du Plurilinguisme Assises Européennes du Plurilinguisme, 2005-2008, (version française). http://www.observatoireplurilinguisme.eu/.

MAURER Bruno et PRIEUR Jean-Marie (dir.), 2017, La Pensée CECRL, Revue TDFLE 70.

PAVEAU Marie-Anne, 2006, Les Prédiscours. Sens, mémoire, cognition, Paris, Presses Sor-bonne nouvelle.

PINOTTI Andrea, 2016, L’Empathie. Histoire d’une idée de Platon au posthumain, Paris, Vrin, traduit de l’italien par Sophie Burdet.

PILLER Ingrid, ZHANG Jie et LI Jia, 2020, Linguistic diversity in a time of crisis: Language challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Multilingua, 39-5, pages 503-515. https://doi.org/10.1515/multi-2020-0136.

REMOTTI Francesco, 2019, L’ossessione identitaria, Bari, Laterza.

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Echo : https://www.republicain-lorrain.fr/education/2021/07/03/allophones-les-parents-aussi-se-forment-a-la-langue-francaise

Other reference books and publications of committee members:

ABID Nadia et MOALLA Asma, 2021, The intercultural speaker across time: A study of Tunisian EFL textbooks, Compare: A Journal of comparative and international education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2020.1853506.

ABID Sarah, ACHARD-BAYLE Guy, FRAGONARA Aurora, GALAZZI Enrica, KACED Omar et LI Junkai, 2019, Introduction à : Enjeux de l’acquisition des langues secondes en contextes migratoires, Repères Dorif 19. https://www.dorif.it/reperes/guy-achard-bayle-enrica-galazzi-aurora-fragonara-omar-kaced-junkai-li-sarah-abid-enjeux-de-lacquisition-des-langues-secondes-en-contextes-migratoires/.

ACHARD-BAYLE Guy, FRAGONARA Aurora et GALAZZI Enrica (éds), 2019, Enjeux de l’acquisition des langues secondes en contextes migratoires, Repères Dorif 19. https://www.dorif.it/reperes/category/19-enjeux-de-lacquisition-des-langues-secondes-en-contextes-migratoires-coordonne-par-guy-achard-bayle-enrica-galazzi-aurora-fragonara/.

ADAMI Hervé, 2020, Enseigner le français à des adultes migrants, Paris, Hachette.

AUGER Nathalie, 2007, Enseignement des langues d’origine et apprentissage du français : vers une pédagogie de l’inclusion, Le français aujourd’hui 158, pages 76-83.

AUGER Nathalie et DERVIN Fred (dir.), 2019, Les nouvelles voix/voies de l'interculturel, Le langage et l’homme 541.

ARAÚJO E SÁ Maria Helena, FANECA Rosa Maria et MELO-PFEIFER Silvia, 2015, Le rôle des langues d’origine dans la compétence plurilingue des jeunes issus de l’immigration : une étude de cas dans les écoles au Portugal, Migrations Société 162, pages 101-120. https://www.cairn.info/revue-migrations-societe-2015-6-page-101.htm.

BEACCO Jean-Claude, HEDGES Chris et LITTLE David, 2014, Intégration linguistique des migrants adultes, Guide pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre des politiques, Publication du Conseil de l’Europe. https://rm.coe.int/CoERMPublicCommonSearchServices/DisplayDCTMContent?documentId=09000016802f9ad5.

CAPUCHO Filomena (2008), L’intercompréhension est-elle une mode ? Du linguiste citoyen au citoyen plurilingue, Pratiques 139-140, 238-250. https://doi.org/10.4000/pratiques.1252.

CASTELLOTTI Véronique (2015), Diversité(s), histoire(s), compréhension…Vers des perspec-tives relationnelles et alterdidactiques pour l’appropriation des langues, Recherches en didac-tique des langues et des cultures 12-1. https://journals.openedition.org/rdlc/420.

CHNANE-DAVIN Fatima et CUQ Jean-Pierre, 2015, Approche comparative des savoirs et des compétences en didactique, Paris, Riveneuve.

CUQ Jean-Pierre, 2002, Dictionnaire de didactique du français langue étrangère et seconde, Pa-ris, ASDIFLE/CLÉ International.

DEFAYS Jean-Marc, 2018, Enseigner le français langue étrangère et seconde. Approche huma-niste de la didactique des langues et des cultures, Sprimont, Mardaga.

DERVIN Fred, NING Chen, MEI Yuan, SUDE N/A et JACOBSSON Andreas, 2020, COVID‐19 and Interculturality: First lessons for Teacher educators, Education and Society 38-1, pages 89‐106.

GALAZZI Enrica, 2011, Des incontournables nouvelles technologies, in JULLION Marie-Christine, LONDEI Danielle, PUCCINI Paola (eds.), Recherches, Didactiques, Politiques lin-guistiques : perspectives pour l’enseignement du français en Italie. Atti del Convegno DO-RIF : 25 ans, Milano, Franco Angeli, pages 183-186.

GALAZZI Enrica, 2018, La didactique des langues en mouvement, Cahiers des jeunes chercheurs du Crem, https://ajccrem.hypotheses.org/434.

GONZALEZ REY Maria Isabel, 2009, Présentation de : La didactique du FLE sur la péninsule ibérique. Enseigner et évaluer la “culture” : une réalité à négocier ?, Le Langage et l’Homme 442.

HUVER Emmanuelle et MACAIRE Dominique, 2021, Didactique de langue, didactique des langues, didactique du plurilinguisme : évolutions, enjeux, questions, Recherches en Didactique des Langues et des Cultures (RDLC) 18-2. https://journals.openedition.org/rdlc/9673.

ILMA (Projet du Conseil de l’Europe : Intégration Linguistique des Migrants Adultes) https://www.coe.int/fr/web/lang-migrants (Voir Beacco et al., 2014).

JERÓNIMO Patrícia, 2018, O Português língua de integração em contexto de migração In e Out [Portuguese as language of integration in migration contexts], in Viviane BAGIO FURTOSO et al. (eds.), Anais Simpósio SIPLE 2017, Londrina, SIPLE, pages 263-274.

LAMARRE Patricia et MAGNAN Marie-Odile, 2016, Diversité, frontières ethnolinguistiques et éducation au Québec et au Canada / Diversity, Ethnolinguistic Boundaries, and Education in Québec and Canada, Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society 7. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/minling/1900-v1-n1-minling02505/1036414ar.pdf.

LAMPROU Effrosyni, RANÇON Julie et DEKHISSI Laurie, 2020, Introduction à : Quelle littérature aujourd'hui en classe de FLE ?, Cahiers FoReLLIS (Formes et Représentations en Linguistique, Littérature et dans les arts de l'Image et de la Scène), Université de Poitiers.

LECLERCQ Véronique, 2011, Parcours migratoires et intégration langagière, in Jean-Marc MANGIANTE (dir.), La formation linguistique des migrants : lignes de force en didactique, pages 19-35, Arras, Artois Presses Université.

LONDEI Danielle et MAURER Louise ; contrepoint : CALLARI-GALLI Matilde, 2008, Images, discours et représentation culturelle, in Geneviève ZARATE, Danielle LEVY & Claire KRAMSCH (dir.), Précis du plurilinguisme et du pluriculturalisme, Paris, Éditions des archives contemporaines, chapitre 5.

MACAIRE Dominique, 2018, Le CECRL : quelle puissance du modèle ? Questionnements dans la recherche en didactique des langues-cultures, Carnet des jeunes chercheurs du CREM, Enseignement et apprentissage du FLE dans la perspective du CECRL en contextes non européens. https://ajccrem.hypotheses.org/760.

MACAIRE Dominique et REISSNER Christina, 2019, Langue maternelle, langue de scolarité, langues vivantes : Comment articuler les différentes langues de l’élève, Cnesco, Conférence de consensus, Notes des experts. https://www.cnesco.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/CCLV_Macaire-Reissner_MEF-v2.pdf.

MANGIANTE Jean-Marc, 2011, L’intégration linguistique des migrants : état des lieux et perspectives, Arras, Artois Presses Université.

MINUZ Fernanda et BORRI Alessandro, 2017, Literacy and language teaching: tools, implementation and impact, in Jean-Claude BEACCO, Hans-Jürgen KRUMM, David LITTLE et Philia THALGOTT (dirs), The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants / L’intégration linguistique des migrants adultes: Some lessons from research / Les enseignements de la recherche, Berlin, De Gruyter Mouton, pages 357-364.

MINUZ Fernanda, HAZNEDAR Belma, KREEFT PEYTON Joy et YOUNG-SCHOLTEN Martha, 2021, Using Materials in Refugee and Immigrant Adults’ Heritage Languages in Instruction: Challenges and Guidance for Teachers and Tutors, Research Anthology on Adult Education and the Development of Lifelong Learners, Hershey (PA, USA), IGI Global, pages 680-705.

OLLIVIER Christian et GARBARINO Sandra (éds), 2020, Pratiques plurilingues, apprentissage des langues et numérique, Alsic 63. https://journals.openedition.org/alsic/4930.

PUREN Christian, 2019, L’interculturel, une composante parmi d'autres de la compétence culturelle, Neofilolog 52-2, pages 213-226. https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/n/article/view/19259.

ROCCA Lorenzo, 2013, Analfabetismo e marginalità: le lacune del dominio educativo, Pollicino Gnus 220, Sante Vincenzi, Reggio Emilia, pages 37-39.

VALETOPOULOS Freiderikos et CHANUDET Christine, 2018, Améliorer les interactions verbales dans un contexte de communication authentique : TICE et apprentissage du français langue étrangère, Circulo de Linguistica Aplicada a la Comunicacion 76, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pages 81-100.

VIGNER Gérard, 2015, Le français langue seconde, Paris, Hachette.



2 Read « Comptes-rendus » et « Écho » in cited works.


  • Université de Lorraine-Ile du Saulcy
    Metz, France (57)

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Tuesday, March 01, 2022


  • langue, culture, migration, pandémie, représentation, linguistique

Information source

  • Aurora Fragonara
    courriel : aurora [dot] fragonara [at] univ-poitiers [dot] fr


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« Principles and actions for second language training, in migratory and pandemic contexts », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Monday, December 13, 2021, https://doi.org/10.58079/17vc

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