International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association
Réseau de recherche sur l’histoire des femmes religieuses
Published on Wednesday, December 22, 2021
The principal output of the new network International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association (ISHWRA) is a monthly research seminar with a transnational and multidisciplinary focus on the history of women religious.
12 January - 14:00 GMT
- Sarah Barthélemy (Durham University, UK and Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, Belgium)
Women and the Jesuit Norms in Europe: From the Matres Societatis lesu to the Jésuitesses, 17th-19th centuries
Hybrid event (Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham)
8 February - 14:00 GMT
- Anca Sincan (Gheorghe Sincai Institute, Romanian Academy)
An army of nuns: The network of Greek Catholic women who built the underground Church in 1950s Romania
Online event
9 March - 14:00 GMT
- Tonya Moutray (Russell Sage College, USA)
Navigating religious difference: Catholic nuns in England 1794-1829
Hybrid event (Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham)
6 April - 14:00 GMT
- Michel Chambon (National University of Singapore)
The ministry of Chinese Catholic nuns, past and present
Online event
11 May - 14:00 GMT
- Carmen Mangion (Birkbeck, University of London, UK)
'The lay sister problem': social class and power in post-war British Catholic convents
Hybrid event (Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham)
7 June - 14:00 GMT
- Sergi Sancho Fibla (UCLouvain, Belgium)
Reassessing knowledge transmission structures of religious women in Southern Europe, 1300—1500
Online event
Registration opens at three weeks before each seminar
- History (Main category)
- Mind and language > Religion > History of religions
- Seminar Room B - Abbey House, Palace Green
Durham, Britain (DH1 3RS)
Event attendance modalities
Hybrid event (on site and online)
- Wednesday, January 12, 2022
- Tuesday, February 08, 2022
- Wednesday, March 09, 2022
- Wednesday, April 06, 2022
- Wednesday, May 11, 2022
- Tuesday, June 07, 2022
Attached files
- nun, sister, religieuse, sœur, congréganiste, catholicism, catholicisme, église, church
- Sarah Barthélemy
courriel : sarah [dot] barthelemy [at] durham [dot] ac [dot] uk - Cormac Begadon
courriel : cormac [dot] s [dot] begadon [at] durham [dot] ac [dot] uk - Gemma Betros
courriel : gemma [dot] betros [at] anu [dot] edu [dot] au
Information source
- Sarah Barthélemy
courriel : sarah [dot] barthelemy [at] durham [dot] ac [dot] uk
This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.
To cite this announcement
« International Scholars of the History of Women Religious Association », Seminar, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, December 22, 2021,