HomeMédecins et cadavres

HomeMédecins et cadavres

Médecins et cadavres

Histoire et anthropologie de la mort

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Published on Tuesday, March 01, 2022


Contemporary transformations in the treatment of the ordinary dead (cemetery management, the rise of cremation or thanatopraxy) and the problems raised by recent mortality crises (migrants, heat waves, epidemics, war, etc.) have prompted a multidisciplinary and international reflection on the mortuary, bringing together anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, art historians, physicians, philosophers, psychologists and sociologists. The March 17, 2022 event will focus on the theme of Physicians and Corpses.



With the support of the Mission Interdisciplinarité Aix-Marseille Université, the ADES-TELEMMe inter-laboratory seminar on the History and Anthropology of Death will continue this year. 

Contemporary transformations in the treatment of the ordinary dead (cemetery management, the rise of cremation or thanatopraxy) and the problems raised by recent mortality crises (migrants, heat waves, epidemics, war, etc.) have prompted a multidisciplinary and international reflection on the mortuary, bringing together anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, art historians, physicians, philosophers, psychologists and sociologists. Although there are many scattered and more or less institutionalized efforts (research notebooks, short funded programs, institutional arrangements), there is still no scientific and research space in France specifically devoted to death. This research seminar aims to fill this gap by engaging in a truly interdisciplinary reflection on the death fact, its modalities, its evolutions, and its stakes.

Three days have already taken place: Dangerous corpses (March 17, 2021), Unwanted corpses (May 6, 2021), Anonymous corpses (December 3, 2021). 


March, 17

Morning session

  • Rafael Mandressi (historian, CNRS): Cadavera inmunda sunt: strategies of addiction and techniques of control in the face of disgust among anatomists of the modern era 
  • Valérie Souffron (sociologist, Paris 1) : Should we get rid of the corpse to explore the bodies ? What medical imaging autopsy does to the dead


  • Martin Robert (historian, University of Oxford): This necessary science: human dissections and medical training in the 19th century
  • Clara Duterme, Valérie Robin Azevedo, (anthropologists, AMU, Université de Paris Cité): The Centre du don des corps at the Université Paris Descartes: a singular case of cadaver management?


This day is open to all (master's students, doctoral students, researchers, teacher-researchers, funeral professionals) and to all academic disciplines (humanities and social sciences, medicine, etc.); our objective is indeed to initiate a real dynamic around studies on death. You can contact us if you wish to express your interest or have additional information: Elisabeth Anstett (elisabeth.anstett@univ-amu.fr ), Anne Carol (anne.carol@univ-amu.fr)

The event will take place in hybrid, at the P.A. Février room of Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l'Homme (5 rue du château de l'Horloge, Aix-en-Provence) and via Zoom.

  • Meeting ID: 853 2788 2648
  • Secret code: 732873


  • salle Paul-Albert Février - 5 rue du château de l'Horloge
    Aix-en-Provence, France (13)

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Thursday, March 17, 2022

Attached files


  • histoire, cadavre, mort, médecin, anthropologie, sociologie,


  • Anne Carol
    courriel : anne [dot] carol [at] orange [dot] fr
  • Elisabeth Anstett
    courriel : elisabeth [dot] anstett [at] univ-amu [dot] fr

Reference Urls

Information source

  • Anne Carol
    courriel : anne [dot] carol [at] orange [dot] fr


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To cite this announcement

« Médecins et cadavres », Study days, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, March 01, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/18cs

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