HomeBlended learning of foreign languages: A new reality in higher education

Blended learning of foreign languages: A new reality in higher education

L’apprentissage hybride des langues étrangères : une nouvelle réalité de l’enseignement supérieur

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Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Over the last decade, there has been a shift in education strategies from traditional methods of instruction to a more innovative methods of teaching, involving information and communication technologies (ICTs) and social interaction mediums. The theory of integrating ICTs in foreign language education combined with classical ways is a good example of what educationists call blended learning (BL). Attempting to put this theory into practice, this conference is expected to bring together different experiences of scholars worldwide to synthesize a common framework for action. Exploring teachers and students attitudes towards using different BL methods would familiarize practitioners for more professional development.



Conference theme

Higher education has witnessed a number of innovative teaching and learning methods and strategies in response to globalization and the development of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Due to nowadays outstanding position of technology, focus is on the integration of ICTs in education, in general, and in second/foreign languages teaching and learning, in particular, as it facilitates easy and immediate access to target language resources whether in remote or in- class ways.

Blended learning (BL), which combines both ways, is relatively a new technique that arises from technology's influence on teaching and learning processes by the use of multiple ICT tools to develop students’ academic achievement (McGee & Reis, 2012). Practical research has brought evidence that such combinations increase learners’ motivation and interest to develop learning skills such as investigation, autonomy, and critical thinking (Saliba, 2013). We thought it, therefore, possible to design and implement new generation learning mediums that are authentic, practical and enthralling. Students’ access to the digital world would let them move between the virtual and the traditional mediums or even mix them together in what is usually introduced as blended learning (Graham, Henrie, & Gibbons, 2014).

In theory, BL allows FL teachers and learners to work with an interconnected mix of books, classroom presentations, activities and digital resources as a thoughtful fusion of face-to-face and online learning experiences (Garrison  &  Vaughan,  2008;  Graham et al., 2014). In practice, BL would provide effective strategies to ensure a positive performance in learning foreign languages. BL is still not allotted the deserved attention in higher educational institutions where face-to-face models of learning are still in use. Pursuing the traditional instructions in teaching foreign languages for decades in Algeria did not really come with satisfied outcomes since learners of foreign languages still demonstrate remarkable deficiencies in the language performances.

Conference objectives

The aim of this conference is to share scholars’, researchers’ and students’ experiences in different countries by discussing their theoretical knowledge and practical use of BL. The conference also seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • To explore FL teachers and students’ perceptions of, and attitudes towards using different BL
  • To enquire on what online testing and assessment strategies are in
  • To exploit the correlation of BL to learners’ performances in a foreign language classroom.
  • To denote the importance of integrating BL tools in a FL classroom for a better performance.
  • To familiarize FL teachers with BL strategies for more professional

Conference tracks

The conference scientific committee welcomes contributions that address, but are not limited to:

  • Blended Learning Models
  • Practicing Testing and Assessment at distance (Synchronous/asynchronous)
  • Designing lectures at distance: Teachers’ experiences
  • Advantages and/or Challenges of Blended Learning
  • Teacher Professional Development in Blended Learning in Higher Education

Important dates and information

  • Abstract submission deadline: April 1st, 2022
  • Notification of Acceptance: April 15th, 2022
  • Conference Day: May 12th, 2022

Conference language(s): English and French

Submission guidelines

Please send your abstracts to the electronic address below: blendedwebinar14.5.2022@gmail.com

Abstracts should ideally be no more than 250 words.

The conference scientific committee will consider only the abstracts received by the published deadline.

Scientific committee

President of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Souhila HELLALET

Co-President: Dr. Samia MOUAS

  • Pr. Mohammed-Salah NEDJAЇ, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Ruth BREEZE, University of NAVARRA, SPAIN
  • Pr. Amor GHOUAR, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Andrew Charles BREEZE, University of NAVARRA, SPAIN
  • Pr. Amel BAHLOUL, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Hachemi ABOUBOU, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Said KHADRAOUI, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Said, KESKES, SETIF 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Errime KHADRAOUI, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Abdelhak NEMOUCHI, OUM ELBOUAGHI University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Saliha CHELLI, BISKRA University, ALGERIA
  • Pr. Salima MAOUCHE, BEJAÏA University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Souhila HELLALET, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Ghada SULEYMAN SASA, Yarmouk University, JORDAN
  • Dr. Radia GUERZA, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Sarali GINTSBURG, University of NAVARRA, SPAIN
  • Dr. Samia MOUAS, BATNA 2 University
  • Dr. Hassan SAQLAIN, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
  • Dr.Radhia AISSI, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Mohamed KHANCHALI, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Mallek BENLAHCENE, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Noreddine BENTAYEB, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Mahbouba MESSERHI, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Saida TOBBI, Mostefa BENBOULAID, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Nacira GHODBANE, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Abdelaziz AGTI, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Tahar GOLEA, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Mohamed Amine BELKACEM, BATNA 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Fouzia ROUAGH, SETIF 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Soumia HADDAOUI, SETIF 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Mourad TOUATI M’SILA University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Tayeb BOUAZID, M’SILA University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Charif BENBOULAID, ALGIERS 2 University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Salim OUNIS, KHENCHELA University, ALGERIA
  • Dr. Amel Gamra LALAOUNA, BATNA 1 University, ALGERIA


Garrison, D. R., & Vaughan, N. (2008). Blended learning in higher education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Graham, C.R., Henrie, C.R., & Gibbons, A.S. (2014). Developing models and theories for blended learning research, In A. Picciano, C. Dziuban, and C. Graham (Eds.). Blended learning: Research perspectives, vol 2. NY:

McGee P. & A. Reis. (2012). Blended Course Design: A Synthesis of Best Practices, Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 16.4, 7-

Saliba, J.L. (2013). Fundamentals of blended learning. Western Sydney University Press,



  • Batna City, Algeria (05000)

Event attendance modalities

Full online event


  • Friday, April 01, 2022


  • blended learning, distance learning, traditional face-to-face learning, foreign language


    courriel : r [dot] aissi [at] univ-batna2 [dot] dz
  • Souhila Hellalet
    courriel : s [dot] helalet [at] univ-batna2 [dot] dz

Reference Urls

Information source

    courriel : r [dot] aissi [at] univ-batna2 [dot] dz


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To cite this announcement

« Blended learning of foreign languages: A new reality in higher education », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/18h2

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