Geographical Mobility and Cultural Itineraries during the Late Middle Ages
Mobilitat geegràfica i itineraris culturals a l’Edat Mitjana
Published on Tuesday, April 12, 2022
The international congress Geographical Mobility and Cultural Itineraries during the Late Middle Ages (MobGIC) aims to explore the relationship between the geographical routes and itineraries taken by texts, books, artworks, and, in their wake, cultural ideas and tendencies. It will give special consideration to the Occitan-Catalan area as the starting, middle, and final points of these journeys. To investigate this topic, the focus will be on figures who are often left on the margins of study: the intermediaries and agents responsible for the transfer culture.
The International Congress Geographical Mobility and Cultural Itineraries during the Late Middle Ages (MobGIC) is organized by researchers from the Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes (Universitat de Girona), Narpan research group and project MiMus (Universitat de Barcelona). It seeks to become an interdisciplinary space for debate which welcomes medievalists from all the fields.
This meeting aims to explore the relationship between the geographical routes and itineraries taken by texts, books, artworks, and, in their wake, cultural ideas and tendencies. It will give special consideration to the Occitan-Catalan area as the starting, middle, and final points of these journeys. To investigate this topic, the focus will be on figures who are often left on the margins of study: the intermediaries and agents responsible for the transfer culture.
Invited lectures, paper sessions, and a round table are planned.
To assist at the congress online, you have to register yourself by this form
Day 1: 20 April 2022
15:00 Reception
15:30 Welcome
16:00 Keynote lecture, Nikolas Jaspert (Universität Heidelberg): “Un altre Mediterrani. Mobilitat de persones, productes i objectes per mar i terra”
17:15 Session 1: Restoring Old Routes
- Davide Gherdevich (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - Paris-Saclay) & Eric Mermet (École des hautes études en sciences sociales): “Les moines voyageurs : les itinéraires des rouleaux des morts au prisme des systèmes d’information géographique”
- Cristina Dusio (Libera Università di Bolzano): “Itinerari testuali nel medioevo mediterraneo. La tradizione delle scritture di viaggio e dell’immaginario figurativo nell’orizzonte occitano- catalano”
- Montserrat Piera (Temple University): “Geographical Mobility and Geopolitics in the Catalan Atlas of Abraham Cresques (c. 1375)”
- Glòria Ribugent (Universitat de Barcelona): “Les mules com a mitjà de transport segons el Tractat de les mules de Manuel Díez”
19:00 Welcoming drink
Day 2: 21 April 2022
9:30 Session 2: Art and Devotion in the Western Mediterranean Arch
- Michela del Savio (Università degli Studi di Torino): “Le orazioni in provenzale del ms. di Agostino Perrone (ms. Béziers, CIRDÒC - Mediatèca occitana, 913)”
- Giovanni Strinna (Università di Sassari): “Dai Paesi Catalani alla Sardegna, le Gloses a Sant Antoni de Viana”
- Silvia Marcheselli (Sorbonne Université – Centre André Chastel): “Pisa – Catalogna : il caso di Santa Eulalia tra devozione e arte (XIV-XV secolo)”
- Michel Costantini (Université Paris 8): “Petits et grands itinéraires de l’art pictural : Nissa, XVe siècle”
11:30 Coffee break
12:00 Keynote lecture, Miriam Cabré (Universitat de Girona - ILCC): “De cort en cort anar: la mobilitat dels trobadors”
15:30 Session 3: Nobles, notaries and scribes
- Ivan Vera (Universitat de Girona): “Urgell i Cabrera als regnes de Castella i Lleó: connexions polítiques i reminiscències poètiques”
- Daniel Piñol (Universitat de Barcelona - IRCVM): “Les notaries medievals, espais d’escriptura i de pràctica jurídica: la circulació de formularis notarials a Catalunya”
- Jordi Saura (Universitat de Barcelona - IRCVM): “Cancelleria i lletra bastarda. El cas de Pere de Besanta, escrivà reial (1388-1396)”
17:00 Coffee break
17:30 Session 4: Minstrels and Music in the Court of Aragon
- Anna Fernàndez-Clot (Universitat de Barcelona): “Introducció i ús del terme ministrer a la cort catalanoaragonesa”
- Simone Sari (Universitat de Barcelona): “Status quaestionis sugli strumenti dei musicisti non cristiani alla corte catalano-aragonese (s. XIII-XV)”
- Carles Vela (Universitat de Barcelona): “El paper dels enllaços matrimonials en la difusió d’estils musicals: els casos d’Elionor de Sicília, reina d’Aragó, i Constança d’Aragó, reina de Sicília”
20:30 Social Dinner
Day 3: 22 April 2022
9:30 Session 5: Facing East
- Paulo Catarino Lopes (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): “Os objectos devocionais como factores de circulação e transmissão cultural entre Ocidente e Oriente. O caso paradigmático do franciscano Guilherme de Rubruck (1253-1255)”
- Cécile Khalifa (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier): “The itinerary of Carceran Suarez, from Segovia in Spain to Nicosia in Cyprus, at the court of the Lusignan kings (15th century)”
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Session 6: Texts and Manuscripts in Motion
- Federico Guariglia (Università di Verona - Università di Genova): “«Ni de Folcueis ni de Guion»: appunti sulla circolazione dell’epica romanza in area occitano-catalana”
- Albert Tomàs (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): “El comentari a La ciutat de Déu de Thomas Waleys: un viatge cultural de l’antiga Roma a la Barcelona tardomedieval”
- Sara Moure (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela): “La biblia «que nos dio el rey don Loys de Francia»: el viaje de un manuscrito regio parisino a la corte del rey Sabio”
- Andrea Lai (Università degli Studi di Sassari): “Vescovi catalani e percorsi di libri tra i secoli XIV e XV”
15:00 Round table
- Xavier Renedo (Universitat de Girona)
- Joan Domenge (Universitat de Barcelona)
- Maria Incoronata Colantuono (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Pedro Martínez (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
17:00 Closing of the congress
18:00 Literary walking tour “The Girona of the Troubadours” (Miriam Cabré - Ivan Vera - Camilla Talfani)
- Middle Ages (Main category)
- Periods > Middle Ages > High and Late Middle Ages
- Zones and regions > Europe > France
- Zones and regions > Europe > France > Southern France
- Zones and regions > Europe > Italy
- Zones and regions > Europe > Mediterranean regions
- Zones and regions > Europe > France > Provence
- Sala de Graus - Edifici Sant Domènec, Pl. Ferrater i Mora, 1
Girona, Kingdom of Spain (17004)
Event attendance modalities
Hybrid event (on site and online)
- Wednesday, April 20, 2022
- Thursday, April 21, 2022
- Friday, April 22, 2022
Attached files
- mobilité, Moyen Âge, itinéraire, littéraire, culturel, objet d'art
- Camilla Talfani
courriel : camilla [dot] talfani [at] udg [dot] edu
Reference Urls
Information source
- Camilla Talfani
courriel : camilla [dot] talfani [at] udg [dot] edu
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To cite this announcement
« Geographical Mobility and Cultural Itineraries during the Late Middle Ages », Conference, symposium, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, April 12, 2022,