HomeWhat future for Theater in the Arab World?

HomeWhat future for Theater in the Arab World?

What future for Theater in the Arab World?

Quel avenir pour le théâtre dans le monde arabe ?

Practices, movements and perspectives in the perpetuation of Theater production in the Arab World

Pratiques, formes et perspectives de la pérennisation du courant théâtral dans le monde arabe

*  *  *

Published on Tuesday, May 10, 2022


The ephemeral dimension of Theater is often considered as an obstacle for a pertinent account of past representations, hence the difficulty of writing the history of a practice when we cannot consider every moment of its creative process. We cannot also apprehend clearly its future. However, even if it does not pretend to predict the future, this call for papers wishes to question the long-term effects and the procedures that contribute to the perpetuation of Theatrical currents and productions in the Arab World.


Regards - revue des arts du spectacle, 29 (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth)


The ephemeral dimension of Theater is often considered as an obstacle for a pertinent account of past representations (Denizot, 2014), hence the difficulty of writing the history of a practice when we cannot consider every moment of its creative process. We cannot also apprehend clearly its future. However, even if it does not pretend to predict the future, this call for papers wishes to question the long-term effects and the procedures that contribute to the perpetuation of Theatrical currents and productions in the Arab World. Based on a state of the art in the Contemporary Theatrical production in the region, we will question the elements that contribute to the development of said production in a specific socio-cultural context.

Research Axis (non-exhaustive list)

  • The conditions of Theater production (especially in areas and countries in conflict). 
  • Theater archives.
  • Circulation and reception of Theatrical productions, on a local and international level.
  • The diaspora’s Production : the impact of exile on Theater production
  • Theater and its relations with other Artistic practices (visuals arts…)
  • Research practices

Submission guidelines

Authors wishing to submit an abstract (in French, English or Arabic) are invited to send it to the following address:


Before June 15th 2022.

Authors should provide the following information:

  • An abstract of the article (approx. 500 words).
  • A mini bio-bibliography (approx. 100 words).

The abstracts will be examined by the editorial committee, and the authors will receive an answer before June 20th 2022.

Scientific committee

  • Hamid Aidouni, PR (Université Abdelmalek Essaadi, Maroc)
  • Karl Akiki, MCF (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban)
  • Riccardo Bocco, PR (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Genève, IHEID, Suisse)
  • Fabien Boully, MCF (Université Paris Nanterre, France)
  • André Habib, PR (Université de Montréal, Canada)
  • Dalia Mostafa, MCF (University of Manchester, Angleterre)
  • José Moure, PR (Université Paris Panthéon Sorbonne – Paris 1, France)
  • Jacqueline Nacache, PR (Université de Paris, France)
  • Ghada Sayegh, MCF (IESAV, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban)
  • Kirsten Scheid, Associate PR (American University of Beirut, Liban)

Editor-in-chief: Joseph Korkmaz, PR (Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban)

Edition editor: Najla Nakhlé-Cerruti (INALCO, France)

Bibliography (indicative, non exhaustive)

Sophie Brones et Amin Moghadam, « Beyrouth-Dubaï. Circulations culturelles et nouvelles formes d’urbanité », Géographie et cultures, 97, 2016, p. 113-138.

Assaf Dahda et Nicolas Puig (dir.), Exils syriens : parcours et ancrages (Liban, Turquie, Europe), Lyon, Le passager clandestin, 2018.

Marion Denizot, « L’engouement pour les archives du spectacle vivant », Écrire l’histoire, 13-14, 2014, p. 88-101 et http://journals.openedition.org/elh/475

Pauline Donizeau, Yassaman Khajehi et Najla Nakhlé-Cerruti (dir.), « Scènes politiques contemporaines au Proche et Moyen-Orient », Théâtre/Public, 233, 2019

Simon Dubois, “Renegotiating artistic identity in exile: the making of a syrian creativelandscape in Berlin”, in Eva Blaute and Antonia Blau (eds) An artist who happens to be from Syria, Goethe-Institut, p. 19-39.

Ma’sud Hamdan, Poetics, Politics and protest in Arab theatre : the bitter cup and the holy rain, Sussez Academin Press, Brighton – Portland, 2006

Richard Jacquemond et Felix Lang (dir.), Culture and Crisis in the Arab World, London, IB Tauris, 2018

Yana Merzon, « Theatre in Exile: Defining the Field as Performing Odyssey », Critical Stages/Scènes critiques, 5, 2011

Najla Nakhlé-Cerruti, « L’apport du Fonds François Abou Salem à la connaissance des débuts de la pratique théâtrale palestinienne dans les années 1970 », Arabica, 67/5-6, 2020, p. 611-629

Collectif Poolpe, « Manifeste de Jérusalem : Pour une approche décoloniale du théâtre (en) arabe », Les Carnets de l’Ifpo. La recherche en train de se faire à l’Institut français du Proche-Orient , https://ifpo.hypotheses.org/10233, le 06 avril 2020. [En  ligne sur hypotheses.org]

Azadeh Sharifi, “Theatre and Migration Documentation, Influences and Perspectives in European Theatre”, Manfred Brauneck et ITI Germany (dir.), Independent Theatre in Contemporary Europe: Structures – Aesthetics – Cultural Policy, Bielefeld, transcript Verlag, 2017, p. 321-415.

باشا, عبيدو, " هكذا، إنقلاب التغيير على أبطال التغيير في المسرح : دراسة", دار الآداب, بيروت, 2010

الداديسي, الكبير, " تحليل الخطاب السردي والمسرحي : دراسة تطبيقية", دار الراية للنشر والتوزيع, عمان, 2014

حمادي, وطفاء, "الخطاب المسرحي في العالم العربي، 1990-2006 : إشكاليات وقضايا", المركز الثقافي العربي, الدار البيضاء : بيروت, 2007

العبد العالي, إيناس عادل عمر, " مسرح اللامعقول و تطبيقاته في المسرحية العربية المعاصرة", أفكار للدراسات و النشر و التوزيع, دمشق, 2017

العساس, سميحة, "بلاغة الخطاب المسرحي",  جسور للنشر والتوزيع, الجزائر, 2017

عساف, روجيه, "المسرحة : أقنعة المدينة", دار المثلث للتصميم والطباعة والنشر, بيروت, 1984

عساف, روجيه, "سيرة المسرح أعلام وأعمال. جدول تاريخي للمسرحيين والمسرحيّات", دار الآداب, بيروت, 2009-2015 

كرم, رئيف, "كتابات على متن المسرح وهامشه", بيروت, دار الفرابي, 2010


  • IESAV - Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Campus des Sciences Humaines, Rue de Damas
    Beirut, Lebanon (11042020)


  • Wednesday, June 15, 2022


  • théâtre arabe, Moyen-Orient, période contemporaine


  • Toufic El-Khoury
    courriel : regards [at] usj [dot] edu [dot] lb

Information source

  • Toufic El-Khoury
    courriel : regards [at] usj [dot] edu [dot] lb


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To cite this announcement

« What future for Theater in the Arab World? », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Tuesday, May 10, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/18vj

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