HomeIntersecting Perspectives: Iconography, Archaeological Remains and Sociocultural Practices of the Ancient Human Societies

HomeIntersecting Perspectives: Iconography, Archaeological Remains and Sociocultural Practices of the Ancient Human Societies

Intersecting Perspectives: Iconography, Archaeological Remains and Sociocultural Practices of the Ancient Human Societies

Regards croisés : iconographie, vestiges et pratiques socio-culturelles des sociétés humaines du passé

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Published on Wednesday, June 08, 2022


This internationally oriented symposium offers the opportunity to focus on ancient societies for which textual sources are limited and for which iconography can play a major role in their understanding. The aim of this meeting is to highlight the possibilities and perspectives that the iconographic approach can provide but also to consider its limits in order to establish how and to what extent it is possible to use iconography, alone or related to archaeological remains, to clarify the understanding of sociocultural practices.



Iconography is a remarkable source of information that archaeologists willingly explore to complete the analysis and interpretation of material remains. Whether there are inscriptions, symbols or pictorial scenes (mythological, religious, social or even private/intimate) that are depicted on different kind of materials, they all offer the possibility to study the practices and beliefs of ancient societies. When these societies have little or no alphabetic writing system, the imagery becomes one of the main source of information. However, images may not provide an exact copy of the element they try to show and display another reality. During this meeting, authors are invited to question how and to what extent it is possible to use iconography, alone or related to archaeological remains, to clarify the understanding of sociocultural practices.

The aim of this symposium is to analyze the link between iconography, archaeology and sociocultural practices, to highlight the possibilities and perspectives that the iconographic approach can provide and to consider the limits to the use of iconography.

This internationally oriented symposium offers the opportunity to Ph.D. candidates and senior researchers to focus on ancient societies  (neither geographical nor chronological restrictions) for which textual sources are limited and for which iconography can play a major role in their understanding.

Presentations will be bound by the common will to offer methodological approaches and applications of the iconography use for the understanding of such societies’ material culture and sociocultural practices. More specifically, we encourage papers to consider one of the following lines of research: iconography as a cultural marker; discrepancy between images and texts; the social and symbolic functions of iconography. Research involving digital technologies and/or scientific techniques for iconographic sources identification and comprehension are also encouraged.

Submission guidelines

Papers proposals (around 250 words) must be submitted in French or in English to regards.croises@outlook.com

before July, 15th 2022.

They must include a short biography of the author, the name of his/hers institutional affiliation and position. They will be evaluated by the symposium’s scientific committee and responses will be communicated at the beginning of September.

Papers will be published in the Open Access peer-review journal, Frontière.s Revue d’Archéologie, Histoire & Histoire de l’Art as a special issue dedicated to the symposium.


  • Alexia MORETTI, Ph.D., Lettres Sorbonne Université - CeRAP
  • Mélanie FERRAS, Ph.D., Lettres Sorbonne Université - CeRAP

Comité scientifique

  • Grégory CHAMBON, Director of Studies, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris
  • François CUYNET, Senior Lecturer, Lettres Sorbonne Université
  • Gwenola GRAFF, Research Fellow, Institut de Recherche Pour le Développement – Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle
  • Jean-Marie SANSTERRE, Professor Emeritus, Université Libre de Bruxelles


  • Salle Vasari, 1er étage - 2 rue Vivienne
    Paris, France (75)

Event attendance modalities

Hybrid event (on site and online)


  • Friday, July 15, 2022


  • iconographie, archéologie, pratique, croyance, société ancienne, culture matérielle


  • Alexia Moretti
    courriel : regards [dot] croises [at] outlook [dot] com

Information source

  • Alexia Moretti
    courriel : regards [dot] croises [at] outlook [dot] com


CC0-1.0 This announcement is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal.

To cite this announcement

« Intersecting Perspectives: Iconography, Archaeological Remains and Sociocultural Practices of the Ancient Human Societies », Call for papers, Calenda, Published on Wednesday, June 08, 2022, https://doi.org/10.58079/191d

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