A calendar by and for the academic communities in the humanities and social sciences
Open access, multilingualism, citability, SEO, indexing, lightweight, perenniality
Calenda is a contributory-based calendar in humanities and social sciences, developed by Openedition. It is supported by a multidisciplinary scientific board.
Multilingual and open access, Calenda publicizes information concerning symposiums, study days, seminars, conference cycles, job offers, prizes and research grants, calls for tender, calls for contributions, calls for papers and summer schools, to humanities and social science communities, usually within a week or so
We do not publish announcements concerning publication releases, thesis defenses, conferences with a single intervention, or events related to science popularization, commemoration or political debate.
Short and durable URLs, as well as the choice of a Creative Commons license, ensure a very good citability!
Thanks to Calenda, you are guaranteed that your events are publicized as widely as possible, internationally and toward other disciplines, in non-specialized search engines as well as in specialized ones (OpenEdition Search, Isidore) and to partner scientific institutions.
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