

  • Rennes

    Call for papers - America

    Quinze ans d’« Amerika, Arts et littératures en Amérique Latine au XXIe siècle » : la croisée des chemins ?

    La revue Amerika, fondée en 2010 par Néstor Ponce, a été l’un des éléments visibles de la recherche latino-américaniste à Rennes 2 de ces quinze dernières années. Au travers de la quasi-trentaine de numéros publiés, ont été questionnés des concepts liés à la littérature, aux arts et aux sciences humaines, et à leur déclinaison dans les Amériques, principalement dans les pays hispanophones et lusophones, mais également anglophones et francophones.Pour les quinze ans d’existence de la revue, et alors que nous arrivons au terme du premier quart du XXIe siècle, nous souhaiterions, lors d’un colloque, interroger la manière dont les imaginaires latino-américains contemporains, principalement la production littéraire et les arts, mettent en perspective l’appartenance à des territoires spécifiques, mais aussi la place que ceux-ci occupent dans un univers culturel chaque fois plus mondialisé.

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - History

    Du « commun » au « public » : concepts et pratiques de l’ordre social dans l’espace culturel ibéro-américain (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles)

    Cette rencontre scientifique propose de réfléchir à travers deux axes fondamentaux : premièrement, les modalités selon lesquelles les conceptions corporatives et juridictionnelles traditionnelles du lien social dans la monarchie traditionnelle espagnole sont adaptées, juxtaposées, contrastées, etc. avec l’imaginaire éclairé et libéral, à partir du XVIIIe siècle et tout au long du XIXe, sur le plan institutionnel, normatif et discursif. Deuxièmement, les réappropriations, réinterprétations et usages –intentionnels ou naïfs – de ces termes par les sujets ; usages qui ont complexifié le réseau de relations traditionnellement décrit par l’historiographie en termes de résistance à la formation d’une nouvelle conception de l’autorité publique légitime. 

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  • Aubervilliers

    Call for papers - Sociology

    L’Amérique latine dans la glace. Antarctiques latino-américains

    Cahiers des Amériques latines

    Nous invitons les chercheurs de sciences sociales et humaines à contribuer à un dossier des Cahiers des Amériques latines sur l’Amérique latine et l’Antarctique dans une perspective disciplinaire ou interdisciplinaire. Nous accueillerons les contributions axées sur les relations entre ces deux régions dans des approches disciplinaires variées : anthropologie et archéologie, études culturelles, économie, humanités environnementales, histoire, relations internationales, droit international, science politique, littérature, études sociales des sciences et technologies, ou écologie politique.

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  • Coimbra

    Call for papers - History

    Iberian Patronages and the Congregation of Propaganda Fide: Antagonism, Alignment and Cooperation (17th-20th centuries)

    This congress aims to explore different forms of interaction and communication between representatives of the Padroados and the Congregation of Propaganda Fide in terms of antagonism, convergence and cooperation, starting from the creation of the dicastery in the seventeenth century to the end of the patronage system in the twentieth century, in territories under the control of the Iberian Padroados (America, Africa and Asia) and the Holy See.

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  • Porto

    Call for papers - Europe

    Improving the quality of working life

    “Laboreal”, July 2025 edition

    Over the last twenty years, there has been a proliferation of research and interventions whose purpose, in contrast to the strict profitability objective of ‘quality circles’, focuses on the quality of working life. They have often been designated by the acronym QWL. This designation authorizes a wide range of methodologies and actions and there have been proposals structured considering diagnoses and interventions that were based on the workers’ point of view and on what happens in reality at work situations. In these approaches, the tradition of activity ergonomics and work psychology once again demonstrate the wealth of methodological tools and intervention models. Laboreal invites researchers to present studies addressing this issue, in particular those that present detailed field experiences.

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  • Lisbon

    Call for papers - History

    Colonising and decolonising: Europe-Africa relations in the 19th and 20th centuries

    “Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal” issue 24

    This issue of Cadernos do Arquivo Municipal aims to reflect on European colonialism in Africa in the 19th and 20th centuries, trying to explain, through current historical knowledge, the colonial fact —one, similar, transversal in its ideas and practices— structured in different territorial and national strands, and highlighting the deconstruction of myths, ideas and theories that have succeeded each other and metamorphosed to legitimise and justify colonial violence. It is also about giving a voice to Africans, so silenced by the colonial system, by listening to their interpretations of a reality from the near past that left significant marks on their daily lives.

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  • Asnières-sur-Oise

    Call for papers - History

    Women artists in the Atlantic Space: Migrations, Creation, Emancipation

    This international conference aims to explore the effects of transatlantic cultural circulations over the individual and collective experiences of women artists (18th-21st c.), in the various fields of creation (cinema, literature, visual arts, performing arts, music, architecture…). 

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  • Agadir

    Call for papers - Africa

    Migration to and through Nord Africa

    L’objet de ce colloque international est de brosser un tableau qui se veut un rétrospectif général des sciences sociales et humaines, restituant et situant la question migratoire maghrébine et nord-africaine dans son contexte général en rapport avec la dimension européenne qui reste incontournable. Il est important d’actualiser les données concernant notre sujet en fonction des mutations géopolitiques récentes dans le monde contemporain et notamment dans la région maghrébine, pour pouvoir proposer des recommandations, des préconisations, et des pistes de réflexions cohérentes, pouvant faciliter les prises de décisions en termes de politiques publiques.

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  • Call for papers - Representation

    Insects, “bichos” and other “bugs” in the literature of the Americas (19th to 21st centuries)

    “Amerika” n°29

    This call aims to bring together works that question the representation of insects and other “bichos” in literature aimed primarily at young people, in the Americas. Scrutinized especially through the prism of European culture, the insect appears small, repugnant, sometimes useful (the bee), sometimes an example of tenacity and courage (the ant). What about its place in the American space? Do indigenous cultures deploy discourses and images referring to a unique relationship to the world of “bugs”, different from or linked to those of European cultures? How does the study of “bugs” allow us to deepen our knowledge of the relationship with nature in the Americas and to identify avenues for educational action based on works published for young people?

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  • Coimbra

    Call for papers - Thought

    Hermeneutical Rationality and the Future of the Humanities

    The set of challenges facing the Humanities today is an opportunity to rethink their future. This conference puts forward a twofold objective. On the one hand, it intends to explore the extent to which the hermeneutical paradigm of the Humanities (Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Gadamer, Ricœur, Taylor), which emphasizes the interpretive core of these disciplines and their contribution to human moral development can still provide meaningful answers to these challenges. On the other hand, it aims to intervene, in a reflective and critical manner, in the debates on the value, need and possible shape of the Humanities in the future. 

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  • Call for papers - Epistemology and methodology

    Environmental philosophy

    “Síntesis”, Philosophy Journal

    “Is there a need for a new environmental ethic?” asks the article by the Australian philosopher Richard Routley. This statement, rooted in the inaugural reflections of Aldo Leopold in 1973, signifies the starting point of a new philosophical and moral exploration of the natural environment. This emerging field of applied ethics gains traction in social, political, legal, and international debates, compelling an increasing demand for philosophical insights. It challenges established relationships with the natural, material, cultural, and animal realms, prompting a call for a fundamental reconfiguration of our politics, institutions, justice systems, ethics, and our understanding of the subject. The primary object of this special issue is to spotlight the ongoing philosophical reflections on the environmental crisis prevalent in the Anthropocene society. 

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  • Saint-Denis

    Call for papers - History

    New Perspectives on Travel

    Cultural Networks, Knowledge, Circulations, and Material Practices (19th and 20th Centuries)

    In the last twenty years, there have been different approaches to the topic of travel from various disciplinary fields and perspectives. This symposium aims for a multidisciplinary approach to the topic of travel, understood as the deliberate movement of an individual through space, without being physically or psychologically forced or coerced. This symposium aims to be a space of dialogue and reflection about travel, its narratives, and its written and visual depictions. We aim to foster new approaches to travel understood in its specificity vis a vis the articulation of a disciplinary field (rather than its traditional understanding as a subsidiary object to other fields of study).

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  • Paris

    Call for papers - America

    Coordination of a thematic dossier - “RITA (Interdisciplinary Journal of Papers on the Americas)”

    RITA (Revue Interdisciplinaire de Travaux sur les Amériques - Interdisciplinary Journal of Papers on the Americas) is a scientific journal whose aim is to annually publish original articles contributing to the analysis of the dynamics of the Americas in the historical, geographical, political, economic, social, literary and artistic fields. Multidisciplinarity is a major feature of the magazine: crossing disciplinary perspectives on specific themes in order to reciprocally enrich the authors’ reflections. Each thematic dossier includes scientific articles, but can also include field notes, reviews, interviews and opinion or literary texts.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Varias section « Esclavages et Post-Esclavages / Slaveries and Post-Slaveries » Journal

    The Esclavages & Post~esclavages / Slaveries & Post~Slaveries journal invites scholars from all disciplines to submit original and previously unpublished articles for its “Varias” section. Articles should focus on recent or ongoing research conducted by individuals or groups.

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  • Call for papers - History

    Middlemen in the work relationship in slave and post-slave societies from the 15th century to the present day

    « Esclavages et Post-Esclavages / Slaveries and Post-Slaveries » Journal

    This issue examines the long-term situation of Middlemen, both under slavery and in the post-slavery era. Enslaved themselves, overseers, and occasionally even recruiters of workers after the abolition of slavery, these intermediaries in the chain of command of coerced labor were essential to the smooth functioning of the slave and post-slave system. What role did they play? Were they agents of coercion or of worker protection?

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  • Aubervilliers

    Call for papers - Representation

    Surrealism and the Americas: new historiographical perspectives

    Thematic workshop of the bi-annual Congress of the Institut des Amériques

    As we celebrate the one-hundredth anniversary of the first Surrealist Manifesto (1924), it is in fact appropriate to revisit this long historiographical tradition that considers this collective adventure as an exclusively French (if not Parisian) one, of the interwar period, centered around the charismatic figure of André Breton. By example of the Americas, we wish to propose a new theoretical definition of the movement in favour of its specific variations and manifestations in order to better question the very notions of centre, periphery, heritage or descendance and, in this way, bring to light the new actors of global Surrealism.

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  • Call for papers - Political studies

    The electoral process in Cameroon as a political dynamic: Actors and Factors

    Collective work

    The electoral process in Cameroon is a complex political dynamic, characterized by challenges and controversies, but also by important issues in terms of legitimacy, legitimation and political legality and democracy. Objectifying this issue requires an in-depth analysis of electoral institutions (norms and organs), citizen participation, the challenges encountered and the political implications. The Cameroonian political-electoral process as a political dynamic therefore involves a multitude of factors and actors.

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  • Call for papers - Science studies

    Conservation-restoration of embroidered textiles from the Renaissane to the 19th century

    Technè, n°60, 2025-2

    The study of embroidered textiles presents several points of interest: research may focus on the embroidery itself (materials, techniques, patterns), its supporting medium (nature, composition of materials, type of weaving), as well as the relationships between these two fields. We aim to identify topics of discussion by juxtaposing ancient texts with materials analysis; to present examples of the conservation of embroidered textiles with an emphasis on the choice of technical protocols; and to consider the difficult problem of exhibiting these rare and precious textiles.

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  • Poitiers

    Call for papers - History

    Disunions. Church-initiated separation of couples in the Catholic world (12th c. - 21st c.)

    "What God has joined together, let no one separate" (Mk 10:2-16). In certain circumstances, the Catholic Church may however exercise this right, usually at the request of one of the spouses, but sometimes on its own initiative. Although canon law does not recognize divorce, since the Middle Ages representatives of the Church have endeavored to bring about the separation of certain couples. All these unions have been considered by the Church to be in contradiction to canon law, ecclesiastical discipline, the definition of Christian marriage or Christian morality. Recent scholarship has enabled us to gain a better understanding of matrimonial separations initiated by the spouses in the Middle Ages and the Modern period. The objective of this workshop is to tackle a rarer case, one that has scarcely been addressed by historians to date: that of separations initiated by the Church.

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  • Nancy

    Call for papers - Political studies

    La démocratie en Amérique latine : état des lieux et perspectives

    2024 vient clore un nouveau « super cycle électoral » en Amérique latine. En effet, en trois ans, treize élections présidentielles se sont déroulées dans onze pays et cinq devraient avoir lieu d'ici la fin de l'année, dont certaines très attendues (Mexique, Venezuela, Paraguay). Trente ans après l'ère des diictatures, la généralisation de l’exercice du droit de vote ainsi que la tenue régulière d'élections libres et compétitives dans la plupart des pays de la région semblent donc corroborer l’optimisme de la thèse de Francés Hagopian et Scott Mainwaring sur les transitions démocratiques latino-américaines et l'ancrage de la démocratie. Or, malgré toutes ces avancées, plusieurs indicateurs invitent à la prudence quant à l’évolution du processus de démocratisation dans la région. Au regard de ces élements, ce colloque entend entamer une réflexion sur l’état de la démocratie en Amérique latine, ses perspectives et les enjeux qui y sont liés à travers l’étude de cas concrets.      

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